Pyramid 2020.13 Released

Pyramid 2020.13 has been released and includes numerous fixes and a large number of new features (50+) and improvements.


The main installer files can be downloaded  from the Pyramid Customer Portal.

  • Upgraded native mobile apps for Android and iOS will be released in the next few days and made available in the relevant app stores.
  • The EMBED APIs in NPM is upgraded and is available for update.
  • Docker containers have been upgraded for Kubernetes deployments.

An upgraded version of the BI Office Converter will be released within the next several days.

Upgrade Guidance

Main Installation guidance can be found here.

  • Help for upgrades can be found here.
  • Help on how to test an upgrade before deployment can be found here.
  • Help for Kubernetes deployments can be found here.


Pyramid 2020.13 includes numerous key upgrades and fixes to existing capabilities.
As such, Pyramid strongly recommends that the new release is tested on a duplicate version of an existing content database repository before any production upgrades are applied. 

The following notable deprecations have also been made:

  • The user creation APIs have been upgraded and the old APIs have been deprecated.
  • Support for Ubuntu 17 has been deprecated - because the OS itself is out of support.


Click here to see the list of fixes made in this version.

New Features

  • Key features are in bold.
  • Several new features are being released as betas or preview releases only.
  • Click the stars to see help and videos ★



Discover & Queries

Pyramid as a data source  (preview release)

The new OData service can make any Discover report a data source in other tools. [OData access is separately licensed.]

New Multi-Element Operations and Custom Ordering Tools

Users can now select multiple elements in any visual and perform common interactive functions on all the items in a single click. This includes drill-down, drill-up, expand and collapse.

Also a new capability to adjust the custom order of elements rendered in a given visual. 

Dice/Add/Swap Menu Customization 

Users can now customize the hierarchies presented in the Dice, Add and Swap context menus in the Discover runtime settings.

Quick Calc's in Discover Lite 

A selection of “lite” quick calculations have been added to Discover Lite.

Upgrade to Legends

The placement of the Legend titles has been upgraded – allowing many more alignment and formatting options.

New Discover Subscriptions 

New ability for users to subscribe to Discover reports

Upgraded Alerting Options and Webhooks 

Upgraded alert trigger options.


New ability to send message via WebHook channels to platforms like Slack and MS Teams. 

New Visualizations Added 

5 types of Radar charts; 2 types of scatter-line plots; and bullet chart gauges have been added

Improved Sunburst and Maps Visuals

New options to adjust Sunburst value formatting. New Map type with the option to set shape outlines.


Upgraded Multi file support for Excel sources

New options to import multiple files in a data flow, including Excel

New data sources: Google Sheets and Azure Synapse

Support for ingesting public Google Sheets data and connecting to Azure Synapse.

New options for Google Analytics

New options to set start and end date

New Support for Ragged Hierarchies 

New options to set ragged hierarchy types for SQL data sources

Upgraded Relationship Tools 

Upgrades to the relationship diagram interface with adjustments in color and function including new option to validate joins and relationships.

New Join Operators 

New options to set join types: greater than, less than, greater or equals to, less or equals.


New Bullet KPI option 

New Gauge design style for bullet charts

New PQL functions

Twelve new PQL functions including : rank, trim, trimleft, trimright, geodistance, smartinsights, smartinsightscategorical

New Network Diagram Custom Visual

New Network Diagram listed in Custom Visual Marketplace

Upgraded Chord Diagram Custom Visual

Upgraded Chord diagram in Custom Visual Marketplace


Upgraded Present Designer Launch

Upgraded Present Pro start interface to choose canvas size.

Dice/Add/Swap Menu Customization 

Users can now customize the hierarchies presented in the Dice, Add and Swap context menus in the Present runtime settings.

Upgraded Color Pickers

New “alpha” setting in color pickers to change color transparency

Upgraded Navigation options

New option to hide slide navigation interface in a presentation.

Smart Insights 

Next iteration of AI driven automated text-based analysis

NLQ Chat Bot  (preview release)

Addition of natural language tools to live presentations with a chat-based Q&A experience

Presentation Subscriptions 

New ability for users to subscribe to Present dashboards


New option to distribute to Webhook Channels   (beta)

Upgraded publication notification options with the ability to send messages via WebHook channels to platforms like Slack and MS Teams

Content Manager

New Bulletin Board Subscriptions Viewer 

Ability to send all rendered subscriptions.


New Memory Manager 

New Options to view and set memory for each service from either the system dashboard or server instances panel

New File System  (preview release)

New options to designate permanent file storage

New clustering options for Task and AI services

New options to configure AI server and Task server services using proportionate deployments


Improved Failover functions

Improved handling of failed services and servers in the cluster

New REST APIs functions

Five new API functions for Windows and SAML embedded authentication. New Content APIs.

Pyramid for Kubernetes   (preview release)

Containerized version of Pyramid using Kubernetes now available.

Added OS support 

New support for Ubuntu 18, 20; Centos 8. (Note: Ubuntu 17 is deprecated, and Red Hat 8 is not yet supported)


Upgrades to Embed API

New API methods for logging with Windows Auth and SAML. Get the update via NPM.



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