Pyramid 2018.05 Released

December 2018 Release

The December release of Pyramid includes over 50 new and upgraded features and numerous functional upgrades and fixes, designed to
make Pyramid’s Analytics OS the leading solution for Enterprise customers looking for analytics that go well beyond visualization.


  • Visit the official release landing page with descriptions of the headline features.
  • The feature release notes are attached to this blog.
  • The fixed bug listing are below. 
  • The installation can be downloaded from the Pyramid Customer Portal.
  • Tablet & Phone applications are available on the Android and iOS app stores.
  • Upgraded Online help can be found here. Help on the upgrade installation can be found here.

Short videos on key features in the release are available below. Use the 'play list' on the right hand side to jump to features that interest you.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue related to the Security and Metadata settings causing an error to message appear when opening a Discovery.
  • The "Disable folder creation at the top level of the public domain" setting from the Multitenancy Settings no longer applies to domain and enterprise admins.
  • Fixed an issue where an Enterprise Admin cannot browse other tenants' workgroup folders if the workgroup folder option is turned off for the admin's tenant.
  • In the 'security and metadata' tab, a warning message was added when a user tries to delete the physical DB created of a model.
  • Fixed an error when trying to save Athena/bucket settings.
  • Added support for Athena V2 driver.
  • Added the option to connect to Athena using the "DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain"


  • Fixed an issue where an exception will appear when connecting to a tabular data source where one of the models is corrupted.
  • Fixed an issue where after exporting Hebrew Drill Through results to CSV, the file is saved with an incorrect encoding.
  • Fixed an issue where the Import button in the Member List Builder does not work In Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue where a Combined Elements filter changes to a Dropdown when changing the visual from Grid to Column and back to Grid.
  • Fixed an issue where the Line chart shows an incorrect visual for the 0 value.
  • In the Variable List Wizard, fixed an issue where it is not possible to select the descendants of a selected member when using Free Selection.
  • Fixed an issue where adding the same hierarchy to both Categories and Color and using a Bar chart, will cause the bars to get narrow.
  • Fixed an issue where Left and Center grid alignment does not work when the UI language is set to Hebrew.
  • Fixed an issue where a chart Data Label format is different than what is configured in the data model.
  • Fixed an issue where a chart Data Label is showing an incorrect value in a specific scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where a chart Data Label color changes do not apply.
  • Added a new button allowing to toggle show/hide nulls for SQL data sources.
  • It is no longer possible to add the same object multiple times to a drop zone under the same settings.
  • Fixed a custom sort issue not properly handling custom aggregation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dice context menu is dismissed when trying to make a selection and using the Hebrew UI.
  • Fixed an issue where grid total headers are cut off when the grid has a large number of columns.
  • Fixed an issue where Data Labels are cut off in a Column chart in a specific scenario.
  • Fixed a Stacked Bar issue where the context menu would only appear when right-clicking the 1st (lowest) item in a stacked column and not for the other items.
  • Added an option to select a Significant Digit (Thousands, Millions etc) for measures.
  • Fixed an issue where the Binning Algorithm generates more bins than requested.
  • Fixed an issue where the Set missing geospatial information setting does not get saved.
  • Fixed an issue where Gauge Value font size cannot be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where a query does not return results after adding Grand Totals to a grid.
  • Fixed an issue where slicers don't work for Viewers when AutoRun is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a drill through action returns duplicated rows.
  • Fixed an issue where some special characters in member names will cause the query to fail.
  • When using the Tick Interval feature, Pyramid will no longer respect values too small in comparison to the scale of the axis as this might cause the browser to freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where Quick Calc is not available in the context menu of a grid in a specific scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where Longitude and Latitude chips could not be placed into the ‘Map Location’ drop zone area.
  • Fixed an issue where 'Columns Auto Fit' didn't work properly.


  • Fixed an issue where Raw results column titles do not wrap when shrinking the column width.
  • Fixed several Interaction Manager issues in IE.
  • Fixed an issue where a map component turns blank when in Full-Screen Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the left and right alignment not working as expected when using Hebrew UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the transparent color setting in the color picker does not work.
  • Fixed an issue where after expanding a component in a presentation to full screen, the breadcrumbs are cut off.
  • Fixed an issue where Chart Labels do not appear in certain screen resolutions.


  • Fixed an issue where editing a text parameter that is based on IMDB fails.
  • Fixed an issue where an error occurs when editing a Data Point causing the browser to freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where a custom format for a custom measure shows an incorrect number of decimal places.


  • Fixed an issue where the Save button is disabled when editing a shape in the Illustrate application which was opened from a Presentation while the user is a non-admin.
  • Fixed an issue where the font background of a text is changed after highlighting it.

Query Engine

  • Fixed an issue where Case/If statements are evaluating all actions instead of just the parts that meet the condition causing the Case/If statements to return incorrect results in some scenarios.

Content Management

  • Fixed an issue where the Favorites is not operational for viewers or pro users.
  • Fixed an issue where Recent is not being updated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where an exported Model Definition file can also include unneeded custom calculations.
  • Fixed an issue where a calculation cannot be deleted if it was created as a one-off in a Discovery report that was not saved.
  • Fixed a Missing Data Wizard issue where some report errors cannot be corrected.
  • Fixed an issue where an error appears when exporting a folder.
  • Fixed several issues where the search operators in Content Search do not work as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a publication fails with an error message when it contains a calculation that the user does not have access to its data source.
  • Fixed an issue where some custom elements cannot be deleted although they are not being used.
  • Fixed an issue where Workgroup Content is not shared with group members if it was created elsewhere and moved into Workgroup content.
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Source Changer shows items that are not connected to any data source (e.g. a global parameter).
  • Fixed an issue where Longitude and Latitude chips could not be placed in the 'Map Location' area. 


  • Fixed an issue where Error 500 appear when printing.
  • Fixed an issue where text color in a Publication printout is not the same as what appears on the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where a Raw Results grid is exported to excel with an incorrect column order.


  • Improved stability of the Embed functionality.


  • Added support for 8.0.12 MySQL connector.
  • Fixed an issue where joining tables in an IMDB model produce an error.
  • Fixed an issue where Time Intelligence in Modeling creates incorrect week numbers.
  • Added support for XML only services when creating a model based on an OData source.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Google Analytics’ data-source was returning incorrect data.


  • Fixed an issue where tutorials failed with a "no element" error message.

Desktop App

  • Fixed an issue where the desktop app crashes when exporting storyboard with a large number of filters.


  • Improved several Dutch language translations.


  • Fixed an issue where after uploading a new license some users got disabled.


  • Fixed a black screen issue in IE which appears after logging into Pyramid when using SSL.
  • Fixed an issue where after a user changes his password to contain the Euro sign (€) or other UTF8 symbols, the login fails if Pyramid is configured to use Database Authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where the API returns an HTTP error 500 if a request is made without specifying the "data" property even if the endpoint does not require any parameters.
  • Fixed an API issue where "getContentItemsByFolder" returns the location of the item as Caption instead of the item's name.




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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 659Views
  • 2 Following