Pyramid 2020.11 (2020.10 + SP1) Released

Pyramid 2020.10 service pack 1 - version 2020.11  - has been released and includes a collection of fixes and improvements.

  • The installer files can be downloaded from the Pyramid Customer Portal.
  • Help for upgrades can be found here.
  • Help on how to test an upgrade before deployment can be found here.
  • Upgraded Tablet & Phone applications have also been released on the Android and iOS app stores (version 7.01).
  • An upgraded BI Office converter will be released shortly.

Pyramid 2020.11 includes numerous upgrades and fixes to existing capabilities. As such, Pyramid strongly recommends that the new release is tested on a duplicate version of an existing content database repository before any production upgrades are applied.

  • Added Tornado charts to the visuals.
  • Upgraded logic for hierarchical, Top-Down and flat totaling.
  • Added new quick filters  -equals and not equals.
  • Added support for SAP predefined parameters in the scheduling and publications.
  • Add a new search from the folders.
  • Removed complex technical messages from error boxes. Details can now be searched by an admin using Search Error by ID.
  • Version 7 of the mobile phone app was released for both Android and iOS to support SAML and Azure Proxy authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where unchecked tables in the model where showing up in discoveries
  • In Python, Increased the default size of the string columns of the scripting nodes
  • Fixed an authentication issue when trying to connect to a SharePoint office 365 sub-site
  • Fixed an issue where Edit ETL schedule was throwing an exception
  • Increased the maximum file upload size from 200Mb to 2Gb
  • Fixed an issue where import model file on oracle failed
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Summaries' node wasn't working on 'Average' column
  • Fixed a 'Black Screen' issue when in the model tab and selecting the 'Save as' option
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Ask a Question' feature was enabled while the NLQ setting was disabled
  • Fixed an issue where Totals were formatted incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue changing grid column width when using the Hebrew UI
  • Fixed a blank screen issue when editing roles that were applied to a custom overlay
  • Fixed an issue where a one-off calculation (created using the context menu) was deselected after a Save As
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to search within the input parameters drop-down when using SAP BW
  • Visual improvements in the Define Model Parameters window
  • Fixed an issue where a date slicer didn't work after refreshing metadata
  • Fixed an issue where the technical name of a SAP BW model did not appear in the model list
      • Fixed an issue where a BW report crashed after opening it
      • Added support in Operators for BW Parameters
      • Fixed an issue where a report with a tree slicer crashed for a Viewer user
      • Fixed a query issue in a specific scenario when in flat mode and 'Optimized Compressed' is selected
      • Fixed an issue where the All member could have had an incorrect caption
      • Fixed a query error with a BW query in Flat mode in a specific query
      • Fixed BW - Database names
      • Fixed an issue in gauges, where reversed bands didn't work in arcs
      • Fixed an issue in the Scatter Chart: Axes options / 'Start from Zero'
      • Fixed an error "Cannot read property 'value Title'" related to gauges after upgrading to 2020.10
      • Fixed an auto-scaling issue on a chart that has negative values
  • Fixed an issue where Present filters were not loading after upgrading to 2020.10
  • Fixed an issue where a Discovery report showed Not Enough Information when jumping into it from a present
  • Fixed an issue where the Legend component was added to content in Present after upgrading to 2020.10
  • Fixed an issue where a Tree Slicer did not interact with a Place Holder
  • Fixed a tab navigation issue
  • Fixed the Filter calendar dates range which was showing wrong (to)month after reopening it (in discovery and present)
  • Added functionality to the undo/redo for dragging layout elements to the canvas
  • Fixed an issue where content that was removed from a slide still appeared under Used Content
  • Improved cross model validation messages
  • Fixed a minor visual issue when using bold text in Present Lite
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to deselect an element in edit mode when clicking on a master page element
  • Fixed an issue where triggers were removed from a publication after copy/paste or an import
  • Minor UI improvements in the Selections section of the scheduler
  • Fixed 'Black Screen' issue in the properties panel/color panel when using an OLAP data source
  • Added an option to see model parameters in Script Mode
  • Fixed an issue where saving an illustration failed with a "One or more items have invalid properties" error
  • Fixed an issue where a text that has a background color set was not highlighted when doing a search
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to rename a dynamic function
  • Fixed a Black screen issue caused after duplicating a discovery containing a "Measure Parameter"
  • Fixed an issue where an imported report was not showing any data
  • Fixed an issue where a hyperlink did not work in a Publication that was printed to PDF
  • Fixed an issue when trying to upload a shape file above the file upload limit, no info message shown
  • Fixed an issue where a security table could not be expanded in Member Security
  • Fixed an issue where provisioning wasn't adding users in a specific scenario
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect error message appeared when uploading a license with an invalid date
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect error message appeared when uploading a license with the wrong machine key
  • Fixed an issue where Security & Metadata overlays did not work as expected when on a BW data source
  • Blocked the possibility of a persistent cross-site scripting attack via the conversations
  • Added a check and a notification when installing and using a SQL user with special characters which are not supported
  • Numerous upgrades were made to online help
  • Localization fixes and adjustments
  • Clearer error message when entering an incorrect URL to the Pyramid mobile app



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  • 4 yrs agoMon, August 10, 2020 at 4:32 PM UTCLast active
  • 273Views
  • 1 Following