Pyramid 2018.05.1 Released

The January 2019 release of Pyramid - build 2018.05.220 -  includes several new features and numerous fixes.


Instructions for how to run the upgrade can be found here. As with all upgrades to production-deployed software, Pyramid highly recommends that customers test 5.1 on test servers - using mission critical content - to ensure it performs and responds as expected before deploying into production.

New features

A few of the new features are described below in these short videos.


  • Text Parameters
    Create discrete list text parameters at both the model and global level, then use these parameters to build custom formulas and lists.
  • Quick Variable List
    Easily create a variable list from the elements panel in Discover.
  • Date Functions
    New date functions available for SQL data models in Custom List, including Parallel Period, Current Period, Full Year, Full Quarter, Full Month, and Full Week.
  • Functional Selection
    New ability to make functional selections from hierarchy elements and parameters through the right-click context menu.

Present / Publish

  • Content Tool tips
    New metadata tool tips in design mode show information, including the visualization name, description, content location, and data source.


  • Time Intelligence
    Updates to the Time Intelligence wizard allow users to parameterize calculations.
  • Query Text
    The new Query Text dialog enables users to review the query syntax in Data Discoveries.

Content Management

  • Data Source Changer
    Updates to the Data Source Changer enable users to select multiple “From” data sources, to improve data source changing of presentations and publications, which may contain items from different data sources. Users can also determine how to change the data source of business logic that is being used across multiple content items.
  • Deep Paste
    The new deep paste functionality enables users to copy and paste a given content item, along with all its subordinate elements. For instance, performing deep paste on a publication will paste the publication and all the reports within it.
  • Folder Path
    When navigating the content management system using different views, the folder path of each item will be displayed.
  • Cross Tenant Folders
    Cross tenant folders in the Public Content folder in the Content Explorer will display the tenant they belong to.

Administrative Tools

  • Change Schedule Ownership
    Ability to change ownership of publication, alert and model schedules in the admin console.

Bug Fixes 


  • Fixed an issue where changing a Connection Timeout will break the connection to certain data sources after a run-time engine restart.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect confirmation message appears after enabling Custom Maps for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a database from Security & Metadata sometimes fails with an error message.
  • Fixed an issue where Office 365 email is not being sent in Pyramid 2018.
  • Fixed an issue where it is not possible to sort the lists under Schedules based on some time fields.
  • Fixed an issue where user licenses cannot be allocated.
  • Fixed an issue where a user that was disabled and then enabled will not be able to log in without a password reset when using Database Authentication.


  • Fixed an issue where Legend text is cut off when the Legend is set to Top or Bottom.
  • Fixed an issue where translations for dimensions and attributes/hierarchies do not appear.
  • Fixed an issue where the Variable List wizard results are not selected automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where grid titles in Hebrew and Arabic have some English words too.
  • Fixed an issue where creating items from the Context Function menu when using a Multi-Dimensional cube will throw an error message.
  • Fixed an issue were Discovery slicers don't work in Viewer Mode and the mobile app when query auto-run is off.
  • Added an option to see the MDX or SQL code of a rendered report. The new button is located in the Performance screen of a report (bottom right clock icon)
  • Fixed an issue where duplicating a report that only has a slicer in it will display an endless spinner.
  • Fixed an issue where Tabular URL actions do not show in Pyramid.
  • Fixed an issue where after clicking Apply in Member Search, the tree is not refreshed.
  • Fixed an issue where the context menu is missing on sunburst elements.
  • Fixed an issue where the 0 axis label is formatted incorrectly in a chart when using a Tabular 2017 data source.
  • Fixed an issue where after adding a regression line, changing the order of items in Trellis causes an error.
  • Fixed an issue where Quick-Sort does not work on measures in Trellis.
  • Fixed an issue where wrong search icons appear in Member Search when Pyramid is using an RTL UI language.
  • Fixed an issue where Alerts that were marked as Read will appear as Unread after a page refresh.
  • Fixed an issue where elements in a Sankey chart cannot be ordered.
  • Fixed an issue where a KPI sign is reflecting an incorrect value.
  • Fixed an issue where the value of a cube calculated measure appears as NaN in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where a report fails after changing the report language to Hebrew in a specific scenario.


  • Fixed an issue where filtering a report based on a filter item that returns no results will cause the breadcrumbs of the Presentation panel to not update.
  • Fixed an issue where the Lasso does not make a selection as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where an Asset does not scale correctly during run-time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Description text field is not shown after saving and re-opening a presentation.
  • Fixed an issue where after hovering the mouse cursor over a component, a tool tip will sometimes remain open.
  • Improved Interaction Manager performance when there is a large number of slicers.
  • Fixed an issue where Panel background color cannot be set to transparent.
  • Fixed an issue where zooming a Scatter chart that has a lot of points will cause the chart to render incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where resizing gauge label fonts in Discovery can cause the labels to no longer appear in a presentation.
  • Fixed an issue where parameters do not appear in the Interaction Manager although they are used in a custom list that was added to the slide.
  • Fixed an issue where a miniaturized grid throws an error during run-time in a specific scenario.


  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to attach content to a publication email although the license allows it.
  • Fixed an issue where the Email from slice setting is disabled for publications.


  • Fixed an issue where a custom calculation that is based on Tabular 2017 failed due to a Solve Order problem causing the report to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where Format String does not work for custom members that were created based on Tabular 2017.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a calculation is causing the browser to freeze in a certain scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where a user cannot use Custom Order on a Range-List when using an MS SQL data source.

Content Management

  • Fixed an issue where the Content Explorer scroll bar does not work correctly on some browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where "Save as a new version" fails when saving a report that was created in an older version of Pyramid 2018.
  • Added a new Deep Paste feature allowing the Paste function to behave like import/export where after pasting a Storyboard, it will use a copy of the discovery and of the calculations that are being used within it instead of using the original discovery/calculations.
  • Fixed an issue where moving content using drag & drop and selecting Replace did not keep the target file ID.
  • Fixed an issue where an error message appears after setting a previous version of a report as the current version.
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen appears when using Save As to save and overwrite an existing calculation.
  • Fixed an issue where after copying content from the Public to Work group directory, some of the names of the copied content are missing.
  • Fixed an issue where, if a user tries to open a report with no access to the data source, it will still appear in the user's Recent list.
  • Fixed an issue where the Created Date of content that was imported is incorrect.


  • Fixed an issue where a filter will load endlessly in case the user does not have access to the data in the filter when printing a Publication.
  • Fixed an issue where a Linear Regression that was created in Discovery based on two measures is printed to Excel with an incorrect currency sign.


  • Fixed an issue where Scaling causes grids to appear blurry.


  • Fixed an Amazon Athena connection issue.
  • Fixed an issue where after uploading a text file using the Step by Step wizard, the file property menu is missing.
  • Fixed an issue where unchecking one of the tables in a multi-select node will throw an exception in a specific scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where importing and executing an ETL Pie file that was created on 2018.04 throws an error.
  • Fixed an issue where converting columns from String to DateTime creates items with inconsistent date formats in cases where the Format String field is left empty.


  • Fixed an issue where the Pyramid Windows Connector service fails to start when connecting to a SQL repository on a named instance and using the port number instead of the instance name.
  • Fixed an issue where users are getting disabled after uploading a new license.
  • Fixed an issue where importing themes from 2018.04 to 2018.05 failed.
  • Fixed an issue where black circles appear in the Welcome page instead of the application icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'findContentItem' API brings back no results.
  • Added support for the iPhone X notch for viewing content in landscape mode.
  • Made several Hebrew and Dutch translation corrections.
  • Fixed an issue where the Model tutorial fails on the first run.




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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 524Views
  • 1 Following