Pyramid 2020.21 Released

Pyramid 2020.21 (Service Pack 1 for 2020.20) has been released and includes a few features and a collection of fixes for bugs and issues.


Upgrade Guidance

  • Main Installation guidance can be found here.
  • Help for upgrades can be found here.
  • Help on how to test an upgrade before deployment can be found here.
  • Help for Kubernetes deployments can be found here.


Pyramid 2020.21 includes changes to existing capabilities.

Pyramid recommends that the new release be tested on a duplicate version of an existing content database repository before any production upgrades are applied. 

Further, a database repository backup should be made before upgrading any production systems and repositories.


  • New member level security support for securing Parent-child hierarchy elements
  • New (beta) option to use the default value of parameters in SAP BW and HANA data sources for publications
  • Minor improvements to the Custom Workflow APIs
  • New support for the Calendar Slice interface on mobile devices
  • New "Circles" KPI and gauge style
  • Improvements to the right-click "List" menus in Discover

Fixes / Changes


  • Fixed an issue where the Information icon did not work after adding a quick filter
  • Fixed an issue where the Indicator in a grid was cut off when the cell data was aligned to the middle or to the right
  • Fixed an issue where changing the Label Format of measures was not applied unless the Format String was changed as well
  • Fixed an issue where BW default parameters did not update correctly
  • Fixed an issue where changing a filter from a Multi-Select Dropdown to a Multi-Select Tree changed the Initial Selection back to the default setting
  • Increased the Row Area Fixed Size maximum setting from 500px to 1000px
  • Fixed an issue where the chart padding changed after upgrading to 2020.20
  • Fixed an issue where Font type and size selections were missing from a report after upgrading to 2020.20
  • Fixed an issue where indicators showed incorrect arrow direction and colors after upgrading to 2020.20
  • Fixed an issue where a SQL query was not canceled when closing the browser
  • Fixed an issue where a Formulation in a measure list that was used as a Filter caused the filter to not load
  • Fixed an issue where the same measure appeared twice in a tooltip when using an Area Chart
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect colors appeared in a chart with a parameter on the Color dropzone
  • Fixed an issue where measures are missing from the Formatting panel when editing Shapes
  • Fixed an issue where Scope Isolation appeared in the query although it was disabled


  • Fixed an issue where a Panel title was cut off and did not use all available space when the buttons were hidden
  • Added a tooltip to the Map Hierarchies dropdown in the Model Mapping panel
  • Fixed an issue where the saved slicer selection overrode the selected slicer value when moving between slides
  • Fixed an issue where a report with custom measure names in either a Present or a Publication showed the original measure names when running the Present or printing the Publication
  • Fixed an issue where after adding two grids with different border widths to a Present/Publication, the border width style of the second grid overrode the first grid's border width style
  • Fixed an issue where a Global Parameter could not be used to control Mini Tabs
  • Fixed an issue where the Fill color of a Matrix Table ignored transparency
  • Improved error message when Explain is unable to return any data
  • Fixed an issue where Discovery reports did not populate consistently in Presentations
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a slide tab restored the slide components to their default values
  • Fixed an issue where clicking a component using the Interaction Picker showed more interactions than expected


  • Fixed an issue where printing content resulted in duplicated files in both the main Pyramid folder and the general folder on the server


  • Fixed an issue where a formulation with a .lag() produced an error
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to access the Functional Selections of formulate items when using a List View


  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to format a Dynamic Text as Bold
  • Fixed incorrect text alignment in a text box when both Hebrew and English are used in the same sentence

Content Management

  • Fixed an issue where a report that was opened in Maintenance Mode could not be saved
  • Fixed an issue where importing a report with one-offs using Replace broke the original report
  • Fixed an issue where a report failed to open with a "The following parameter has no input" error
  • Fixed an issue where after trying to delete a folder with a report that is being used in a present, the folder will be deleted even if the user canceled the Delete Contentions on Shared Items panel


  • Added support for Custom Data when printing from embedded content
  • Fixed several issues where printing to Excel had failed
  • Fixed an issue where printing a grid with nothing in the Columns dropzone had failed
  • Fixed an issue where printing a grid with only measures had failed
  • Fixed an issue where the columns in a Raw Data Grid that was exported to a CSV appear in a different order than in Pyramid
  • Fixed an issue where a Present that was printed to Excel produced an empty Excel file
  • Fixed an issue where printing 'Current slide' in a Present didn't print the correct slide


  • Fixed an issue where adding an MSOLAP data source using a global account had failed
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to enable or disable the Proactive Garbage Collection and Proactive Rendered Collection
  • The Restart Server option under the Summaries Panel was renamed to a more accurate Restart Service


  • Fixed an issue where /API2/access/getAllRolesByUser did not bring back the roles assigned via AD groups
  • Fixed an issue where /API2/access/updateTenantsSeats did not work unless both Pro and Viewer users were specified
  • Fixed an issue where /API2/content/importContent did not return importDscMap when importing content that was exported with a folder
  • Updated the Help for /API2/content/importContent
  • Updated the Help for /API2/access/createUserSaml
  • Fixed an issue where /API/auth/authenticateUserOPENID did not work as expected


  • Fixed an issue where Pyramid did not log a failed login attempt of a user who logged in using SAML and does not exist in Pyramid
  • Made several security improvements to internal API calls


  • Fixed a DB script issue that caused an upgrade to fail
  • Fixed an issue where the installer failed with an "Error copying file" message
  • Fixed an upgrade issue when using Azure SQL as a repository


  • Fixed an issue where the Date filter did not show properly on the mobile application
  • Fixed an issue where a Dynamic Text did not refresh on load in the mobile application


  • Fixed an issue where Kubernetes upgrade had failed when SSL encryption was used to connect to the DB
  • Fixed an issue where the Garbage Collector did not run on Kubernetes installations and on Linux machines
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading to 2020.20 failed with an "Invalid column name 'execution_area'" error
  • Fixed an issue where a "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'offsetWidth')" error appeared when having multiple content items opened



Content aside

  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 399Views
  • 4 Following