Pyramid 2023.11 Released

Pyramid 2023.11, a service pack for Pyramid 2023, has been released. It includes new and upgraded features  - with a big focus on AI-related functionality - as well as numerous fixes.

  • Main Installation guidance can be found here.
  • Help for upgrades can be found here.
  • Help on how to test an upgrade before deployment can be found here.
  • Help for Kubernetes deployments can be found here.

Pyramid 2023.11 includes a number of changes to existing capabilities. As such, Pyramid recommends that the new release be tested on a duplicate version of an existing content database repository before any production upgrades are applied.

Further, a database repository backup should be made before upgrading any production systems and repositories.

 New Capabilities and Upgrades


Watch a 2 minute Demo of our Chatbot AI-Designer for Present and Publish. Read Details in our Help Pages

Feature Name Description Benefit

★ Upgraded Chatbot (AI)

Upgraded Chatbot now accessed from the application ribbon. Design and Runtime modes now optionally can connect to specific LLMs through model selection.

Support for new LLMs gives better language analysis and generation. Design and Runtime modes allow LLM generation of content as well as query specification and other actions.

★ Speech Option in Chatbot (AI)

Upgraded Chatbot now supports speech to text and text to speech when interacting with it. Voice control makes interacting with natural language easier, quicker and more natural.

★ Chatbot AI-Designer for Present and Publish

▶ Watch a 2 minute Demo 

Upgraded Chatbot in 'Design Mode' allows the specification of Present Slides and Publication pages through natural language. Quickly and easily create new Present and Publish content using natural language instructions. Importantly, it can operate directly on all supported data sources, both SQL and MDX.

★ Gen-AI / LLM Manager

Upgraded admin capability to manage connections to multiple LLM engines. Mix and match LLMs allows the right LLM to be used with the right Model, generating greater accuracy and control.

Improved ML explanations in Discover Notes (AI)

Various advanced functions now inject an explanation of the result into the discover notes section. Delivers better understanding and insight into analytic results.

AI-driven Column Categories

Where underlying database field names may be obscure  in meaning (in another language for example),  LLM processing can assign the right category. Easier, faster, mote accurate categorization of model columns.

★ Slide Insights (AI)

A single Dynamic Text block that provides insight across all analytic objects on a Present slide. Quicker development and a single location for insights at run time.

Auto-Layout (AI)

Auto-determined layout for your Present and Publish content. Can be edited. Creates easily consumable dashboards with clear layout of content. Personalization with the editing function is then possible.

Auto Slide Translations (AI)

Use of LLM models for dynamic translations of dynamic text in a Present slide. Easier, faster and more accurate switch from one language to another.

Aggregate Table Recommender (AI)

ML-driven mechanism to suggest which attributes and measures should be reconstituted into aggregate tables to improve performance. Helpful hints on how to accelerate Pyramid queries through aggregated tables.

Dynamic Data Masking

Fields in a table can be marked for obfuscation by Role, without affecting other users or disturbing content design. Dynamic masking allows different users to see data field details or a mask depending on Role. Perfect for HR or Patient detail applications.

Improved Gauge Label Formatting

More control over Gauge labels Better able to achieve the design output desired.

New Layout options for Present and Publish

Snap-to-grid, mobile phone sizing, font sizes Finer degree of placement and alignment of objects in Present and Publish.

LLM-driven data prep tools (AI)

New blocks in Model data flow provide LLM-driven sentiment, translation and data set generation. Quicker, more accurate analysis, translation and data creation makes model building faster and easier.
OAuth Support for Athena User level connection and authentication to AWS Athena. Allows use of database defined data access rules by user.
Optional Validation in Data Model Ability to switch off Model validation when opening a semantic /data model. Validation of a large model with many joins can be time consuming. This feature allows the default model validation to turned off, allowing the model to be opened more quickly.
Option to move filter/sort panels in Discover Ability to position the filter and sort informational panels in a way that matches the slicer options. Allows more control over the positioning of filters and sort information panels in Discover, matching the Slicer positioning options.
More Runtime Settings Additional features controlled by the Run-time Settings, e.g. Information option More control over the context run time menus for greater application design capability.
Resize of blocks & text in Formulate Users can now adjust the size of the function blocks and text in the formulate canvas. Control over function block and text size in the Formulate canvas allows better layout and control over the Formulas.
Role Descriptions New field for describing Roles in Admin. More description and documentation helps users understand the Role defined
Unlicensed user handling New option to redirect unauthorized users from the Pyramid login page. If an unauthorized user tries to login to Pyramid, this option allows the redirection to another page, perhaps describing the process to acquire a Pyramid seat.
Data Source Changer Search New ability to search for data sources and models in the Data Source Changer wizard. Easier search and find allows faster and more accurate use of the Data Source Changer wizard.
New API options for Master Flows Additional options for the Master Flow API to support options available in the UI (override security for example).  Finer, more granular control of the Master Flow execution steps leads to better solution delivery through the API.
Better handling for small fonts Ability to support very small font sizes and line spacing in Publish. Allows the creation of Publications with small fonts sizes in Footers and Headers, and other text blocks, useful for example in legal documents. Extends the range of solutions that Publish can support.
New "merge" option on import Ability to merge common folders and sub-folders when importing or pasting content into an existing folder structure. Simplifies the outcomes of moving content around within an instance and across multiple instances of Pyramid.

 Items Fixed



  • Fixed an issue that caused the page to become unresponsive when making changes in the SQL query and Python Script editors
  • Fixed an issue where a Variable returned a server error when List was selected in the Variable Settings
  • Fixed an issue where a Filter, that is based on a List Sting Variable, did not work
  • Fixed an issue where the Preview failed in a data flow where the source is SAS Datasets
  • Fixed an issue where changing multi-measure display names did not stick
  • Fixed an issue where importing an Excel into an existing data flow did not map columns correctly compared to the source file
  • Fixed a "No Authorization" error when previewing variable on a Snowflake source
  • Fixed an issue that caused a Model to be renamed
  • Fixed a blank screen issue when switching to the Data Model tab
  • Fixed an issue where a Union failed if the two string columns had different length
  • Fixed an issue where a Schedule failed for a Model with multiple Set Variables
  • Fixed an issue where users could not edit files uploaded to a Multi Files source
  • Fixed an issue where the time intelligence for Fiscal Year erroneously displayed incorrect Quarters and years.
  • Updated the NetSuite driver in the Marketplace
  • Fixed an issue where a user couldn't process a model when one of the roles was a Model Only role 



  • Fixed an issue where a Context Min/Max function on a Date column returned incorrect values
  • Fixed an issue where adding a Filter to a report resulted in a "Failed to Parse Query" error
  • Fixed an issue where a Custom Sort Order was not saved after running the query
  • Fixed an issue where the List Builder returned wrong members in OLAP
  • Fixed an issue where a report stopped responding after using the List Builder in OLAP
  • Fixed an issue where exporting the results of the Show Details action in a OLAP report was failing
  • Fixed an issue where a report failed to open with a "Request Error - can't run the given query" error
  • Fixed an issue where a Show Detail/Cube action failed when connected to an OLAP cube using a service account


  • Fixed an issue where the bar chart color changed when switching between measures using a List
  • Fixed an issue where blank labels appeared in the grid
  • Fixed an issue where a "dimension attribute was not found" error appeared after adding a hierarchy to a report
  • Fixed an issue where Wrap Text in a Tabular Grid generated extra space
  • Fixed a blank screen issue that occurred when changing a value in a numeric filter
  • Changed the fill pattern of bar charts with Diagonal Stripes from dashed lines to solid lines
  • Fixed an issue where Business Logic pop-ups occasionally failed to disappear upon hovering off them in the tree
  • Fixed an issue where Bookmarks were being reset when using slicer with 'First' or 'Last' Member
  • Fixed an issue where Subtotals appeared for attributes that were unselected in the Totals Panel
  • Fixed an issue where setting a large font for a slicer didn't extend the slicer visual box
  • Fixed an issue where map visualization labels were not correctly aligned
  • Fixed an issue where custom map shapes were not properly highlighted upon clicking
  • Fixed an issue setting custom values for Label Font Size in the Formatting panel
  • Fixed an issue where the correct options were not displayed when right-clicking a List in a Discovery and selecting "Create Formula"
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect values appeared for data labels after resizing the Range Slider on a 100% stacked bar chart
  • Fixed a Column/Bar chart issue where the data labels' background color affected the entire bar/chart 


  • Fixed an issue where text was cut off in a Matrix table
  • Fixed an issue where Data Interactions from a visual to a dynamic text didn't work
  • Fixed an issue where a Dynamic Text didn't change when dicing on its query
  • Fixed an issue where a Dynamic Text stopped working after editing it
  • Added an indication for the currently selected Text Alignment state
  • Fixed a pre-defined slicer issue that was preventing a Presentation from running
  • Fixed  a blank screen issue occurring after copying and pasting content from a closed source presentation to another
  • Better handling of incorrect URL parameters in a report that was opened using a Jump to Content action
  • Fixed an issue where a present failed to open with a "Request Error - There was an error opening the file" error


  • Fixed an issue where applying the "Comma Style" formatting to a negative value resulted in the appearance of two minus signs in a publication and a present
  • Fixed a blank screen issue after using VLOOKUP between two different sheets


  • Fixed an issue where a scheduled publication with a page repeater was printing the same page
  • Fixed a Trigger issue that caused schedules to fail


  • Fixed an issue where clicking on "Explain Code" in the PQL Editor failed with "Request Error - Server Error Occurred" error message
  • Fixed an issue where an If statement within a list did not return the expected value
  • Fixed an issue where a formulation failed with a "Compilation of calculation failed: null" error
  • Fixed an issue where the Result Preview did not appear for a Custom List that was based on a Hierarchy
  • Fixed an issue where a formulation stopped responding after hovering over text in Script Mode

Content Management

  • Fixed an issue in which Analyze Structure encountered a "Model not found" error, despite the model not being utilized in the item on which the Analyze Structure operation was executed
  • Fixed an issue where a Viewer user could not open a folder after import
  • Fixed an issue where Workgroup Content appeared for an Enterprise Admin although the option was disabled for the tenant
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Source Changer failed for a Domain Admin
  • Fixed an issue where a formula became inaccessible after a rename
  • Fixed a Domain Admins content saving issue 


  • Fixed column Order and Sort issues in a tabular grid that was exported to CSV
  • Fixed an issue where the Excel sheets of an exported Present appeared in the wrong order after slide rename
  • Fixed an issue where some items were misaligned in a PDF print
  • Fixed a number formatting issue in Excel
  • Fixed a print failure issue when Pyramid is installed on Windows 2012
  • Fixed an issue where a print to Excel failed with a "The maximum number of Cell Styles was exceeded" error
  • Fixed an issue where some of the slicers were missing when printing to PDF or HTML using "Print Slicers"
  • Fixed an issue where decimal values were lost when exported to Excel
  • Fixed an issue where a report with a specific calculation failed to print to Excel
  • Fixed a formatting discrepancy between a Present printed from runtime and one printed from the Subscription
  • Fixed an issue where the right boarder of a grid in a Tabulate did not appear in the print
  • Fixed an issue where Text in the Cover Page was missing in the print
  • Fixed a discrepancy in font sizes between Pyramid and printed PDFs
  • Fixed an issue where an illustration was printed to a PDF with a wrong color
  • Fixed an issue where Linkback from PDF did not open the report with the correct filters selections


  • Corrected inaccuracies in the Audit Trail Details
  • Fixed an Attribute Security issue where a dimension still appeared in a Discovery report even if all dimension attributes where hidden
  • Fixed an issue where the User Group Cache task wasn't running at the configured time
  • Fixed an issue where the Pulse option did not appear for an Amazon redshift data source


  • Fixed an issue where no content appeared under the Group and Public folder in the mobile app if the app language was Hebrew
  • Fixed an issue where embed content could not be accessed with a basic user
  • Various online help improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the runtime and task services did not start after an upgrade
  • Fixed an issue were Kubernetes Deployment could not be initialized if there was no internet connection 
  • Fixed an issue where a Task Summary for a cancelled ETL showed error 5400 instead of a clear message
  • Removed verification for users' phone numbers 

3 replies

    • Redeemed from the Dark Side (Power BI)
    • Obee1
    • 8 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Wow - the new Chatbot capabilities shown in the video are ridiculously cool!!

    And it smokes Power BI's copilot when you consider all of  copilot's limitations.

      • NPANS
      • 8 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Yes...... incredible.... according to Microsoft, and I am quoting here:

      • Copilot can't modify the visuals after it has generated them.
      • Copilot can't add filters or set slicers if you specify them in the prompts. For example, if you say, "Create a sales report for the last 30 days," Copilot can't interpret 30 days as a date filter.
      • Copilot can't make layout changes. For example, if you tell Copilot to resize the visuals, or to align all the visuals perfectly, it won't work.
      • Copilot can't understand complex intent. For example, suppose you frame a prompt like this: "Generate a report to show incidents by team, incident type, owner of the incident, and do this for only 30 days." This prompt is complex, and Copilot will probably generate irrelevant visuals.
      • Copilot doesn't produce a message for the skills that it doesn't support. For example, if you ask Copilot to edit or add a slicer, it won't complete the instruction successfully as mentioned above. Unfortunately, it won't give an error message either.

      'Copilot can't understand complex intent' - d'oh!🙄

      Also, Pyramid can work on any data source it supports directly. It seems copilot only works on Microsoft fabric and lake stuff. Kind of sucks if you're on something else.

    • Ravi_Yellapantula
    • 8 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank You. Really excited to test this new version out and deploy.

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