How to copy "Styles" between Discover Reports. From Tips & Tricks Vol 5/21

Sneak: Word Wrap + Copy Format customizations + Quick KPI Wizard in Discover

The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more advanced use cases.

How to copy "Styles" between Discover Reports

This nifty capability allows end users to easily copy any format customization made in one visualization or report to another with a single click, dramatically reducing the time needed to replicate settings and designs.

  1. Open an existing Discover that you want to copy the formatting from, go to the “Design” context menu and select “Copy Styles”


  2. On the destination Discover report, go into the “Design” context menu and select “Paste Styles”, this will apply the rich formatting from the previously copied Discover report.

    Note: This works for visualizations (charts etc..) as well, allowing to rapidly apply rich formatting “standards” to a newly created data visualization.

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P.S. We will post previous Tip&Tricks as well as all new ones to keep this information active and available to all users.



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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 10Views