How to define die initial selection for a slicer. From Tips & Tricks May 22

Sneak: How to define the inital selection for a slicer

The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more advanced use cases

How to define the initial selection for a slicer

  1. Open a report in which the Date parameter is inserted in the Drop Zones > Filters > Drop Down.
    The filter value will default to the value when the Discover object was last saved. Use the ‘Initial Selection Mechanism’ in Load Time option, to change the default filter value.

  2. Select the Filter Settings option to change the style and behaviour of the Filter.

  3. Select Load Time > update Initial Selection Mechanism to = “Last Member” (‘First Member’ is an option as well).
    Typically, Date attributes in a model are updated as new transaction data is appended to the model. This means additional elements are added to the Date attribute. In this example the ‘last member’ option will mean the Discover object will default to the latest date.

  4. Click on Save and Close Discover Report.

  5. Open Discover report and notice that Date within filter is the latest date available in the slicer.

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