How to create a Quick KPI - Period on Period. From Tips & Tricks October 22
Sneak: How to create a Quick KPI - Period on Period
The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more advanced use cases.
How to create a Quick KPI - Period on Period
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a powerful tool that can be leveraged to identify the status of outcomes in the organization and its business goals. KPIs are composite calculations that be used to show the status of metric outcomes using up to 3 core metric values and banding:
• actual - a value that shows what is currently measured
• target - a value that measures what the goal metric should be
• status - a mathematical comparison between actual and target values (normally a ratio of some type)
• banding - a series of values to delineate between good and bad status metrics (which can then be used graphically)
In Pyramid, you can easily create KPI’s using “Quick KPI” from a Discover report, and can be mainly accessed or triggered from a grid. These KPIs are going to be generated through the context of a query, with the available hierarchical selections.
- Start with a simple grid report
- If you want to calculate the year over year growth of a specific metric (sales), it can be done using quick KPI.
What are Period on Period KPIs?
These are KPIs created using time difference logic as well as cohorts - and then doing a simple 3-band ranking. The Period-onPeriod KPIs only appear in the list if a date-time hierarchy is detected in the current query. Unlike the basic KPIs, the period on period math injected into the KPI formulation provides a layer of logic that is not easily matched with conditional formatting without building some formulas. This, with the auto-cohorting, offers a quick way to calculate whether figures for the given hierarchy are improving or degrading from one period to the next (as required), an banding the results compared to others in the cohort (evaluation set). For example, this builds a KPI for measuring which education groups are improving from one quarter the next, compared to other education groups in any given quarter.
- To calculate, from your grid, right click on sales column > quick calc > quick KPI > Period on Period 1% Growth
- The resulting KPI compares each manufacturer sales from one year to the next, showing a result of whether there is growth of more than 1%. The color of the indicators is driven by how well each manufacturer did compared to the other items in a given year - which is broken out into 3 bands. As such, this dynamic KPI, calculates both down the manufacturer sales and ACROSS the years.
- Quick KPI is a great way to do sophisticated calculations on metrics using the context menu in Discover. However, if you want to further customize this KPI, you can open it in formulate which will give you more options to further define the calculations (targets, actual, bands etc).
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