How to use Report Members as List Filters. From Tips & Tricks December 22

Sneak: How to use Report Members as List Filters

The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more advanced use cases

How to use Report Members as List Filters

Did you know that you can use members/elements of a dimension that you can built a list out of, and then use as a filter within your Discover report? In this scenario, you want to be able to filter a sales report by country, using a list of specific products you are tracking.

Start with this report: 

  1. Find the dimension whose elements you want to use as a filter. Right click > View Elements

  2. In the elements window, CTRL + CLICK to select the elements you want to use as a filter for the report > right click > create list > standard list

  3. It then creates a list which you can then use to filter the report. Simply select the checkbox, and see the list appear as a filter for the report.

  4. Use list to filter report. From here, you can also modify the slicer settings to change the filter type (default is drop down)

    Modify slicer settings:


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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 25Views