Tips & Tricks September 22 - Model - Discover - Present

Sneak: Matrix Table Layout + Automatic Column Handling

Tricks created by the Pyramid Customer Success Team

The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions that will help you to boost your BI Skills.

To make it easier to keep them as a reference, these Tip & Tricks come as printable PDFs. Make sure to subscribe to this category to never miss more Tips and Tricks

Tip #1

Matrix Table Layout - This new layout option expands the ways content can be laid out and displayed to end-users.

Tip #2

Automatic Column Handling - allows users to update chosen tables in the semantic model each time the model is processed by automatically adding new columns to the semantic model added physically to the underlying tables. New in 2020.25


If you have questions about these tips (or improvements) please let us know in a comment.

P.S. We will post previous Tip&Tricks as well as all new ones to keep this information active and available to all users.



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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 36Views