Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - Dec 22th - 2023->2024

Dear Community,

did you get any Badges in the past week? I guess yes... if not, please read my last Weekly Shout out. Or click here. 

The hunt is not finished, we are only starting this journey. I just switched on a few more badges like the one on the left. You will get this one for your Ideas in our Ideation.

As this will be the last update for 2023, its also time to look back a bit on the community journey so far.

  • the community got a complete Design Make Over (Remember?)
  • Topics like Learning Live and Tips&Tricks were moved into the Site
  • Explore Pyramid was launched, providing a sandbox environment including challenges, all the training content and more.
  • Started the Dashboard Gallery
  • We hosted the first half dozen of User Groups
  • Nearly 25% of all Users participated in the community. (that is more than twice than the usual average in communities)
  • More than 100.000 individuals visited the Community Pages.

A great start, thanks to your participation. After this foundation layer we will work and reach out in Q1 to you and collect more ideas and content to share best practices and make this an even better place to share and discuss ideas around Pyramid.

Have fun and thank you for a great journey so far. I wish you all a peaceful few days and time to refuel your energies. (May be spend some time playing with our Christmas Challenge.)


Community Team

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

A warm welcome to everyone who joined us in the past week. We are looking forward to your questions and suggestions to make this a better community.


and just when I sent out this Newsletter:  welcome to the Bunch.

If you are mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below to introduce yourself.

New Content in the Tips&Tricks Section.

These are the Top 5 viewed Tips& Tricks of the Past 90 Days

You can find all Tips&Tricks here.

New Certified Users   

Level 1 Certification

Michael Baldock - Data Orbis

Level 2 Certification

 - CubeServ

Well done, keep going.

You can now see the Certification Status of a User in the Badges they have in their Profile.

User has started certification and passed at least one Product Certification
User has passed a minimum of 6 Level 1 Product Certifications
User has passed at least one of the Level 2 Certifications
User has passed the Level 3 Certification Project

New Explore Data Challenge

For the new Explore Data Challenge we take a new direction. This time we only give you a very small Dataset on Christmas Tree Sales in the US. The challenge is to take this as a first stepping stone to build a data story. Use Tabulate, Formulate, Discover to tell us a story about Christmas Trees, drop it in a Presentation, Illustration. 

Be creative! And enjoy if you have a few days off.


P.S. If you have any requirements for Content, or Ideas what to improve, reach out to me in a DM



Content aside

  • 10 mths agoLast active
  • 21Views
  • 1 Following