Congratulations – Level 3 Certified: Jeanre Van Wyk - BicycleBi

Jeanre is the next fully certified Consultant from our Partner BicycleBI, covering the US market but working from South Africa. Jeanre Van Wyk took a straight line through all our courses until competing Level recently. He is now fully certified and ready to head out to making customer solutions even better with Pyramid.

The Level 3 Certificate in Solution Design is a rigorous program that tests a person's knowledge and skills in using the Pyramid Decision Intelligence platform. The program guides the candidate to draw on Pyramid to its full potential; from training and testing data sets for predictive modelling, to Dashboard creation and design.


In Jeanre's own words: "Working through the Pyramid training has taught me a lot. I was continually impressed with how easy and quick Pyramid makes it to implement complex use cases. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn this tool and look forward to many succcessful future projects with the Pyramid platform!"

Learn more here about the Pyramid Analytics Learning Hub

Congratulations again to Jeanre to achieve this Level 3 Pyramid Certification in Solution Design! 

Sandra Caballer

LMS Manager

The Certification Status of every Community Member is visible in the Profile of the User. Directly under their Profile Picture. The corresponding label is maintained by the Pyramid Community team and updated on a regular basis. This makes it easy to check the qualification status of every registered community user.

You can find more about Labels and what they mean in this Community Article

Please leave us your comments and a big shout out to Jeanre!



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