Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - May 17rd 2024

Dear Community,

that turned out be a much busier week than predicted, we have plenty of content to share

  • A new Tip&Trick from our User 
    In his article Dynamic Dimensions and Measures he presents a solution the developed for our Customer Congstar. You can find the solution to follow also on our Explore Server. Thank you
  • A brand new Blog Series about BI Adoption from our Partner 
    In this 5 Part Series Simon will talk through the main aspects on how to grow and improve BI Adoption in your organisation. Feel free to leave comments and ask for details about the article. First part is on: Empower the Executive Sponsor

A huge thank you to both of you.

We also added more videos about GenBI:

It's amazing how quickly we see our customers adding GenBI Capabilities to their existing environments.

What else happened on the community?

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community in the last week

A warm welcome to everyone who joined us in the past week. We are looking forward to your questions and suggestions to make this a better community.


Keep coming and invite your colleagues. If you are mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below to introduce yourself.

Who got certified in the past days

Level 1

@Thomas Ashvini - Kash Tech
  - Cloverleaf
@Shan Wu - Cloverleaf
 - Owen Illinois
 - Simetrical

Level 3

 - Mind the Value

Congratulations to all, and may be if you have taken previous courses on Pyramid 2020, at least check out the Whats new in 2023 to get up to speed.

Have you completed the Predictive Modelling UseCase?

New Content in the Tips&Tricks Section.

Tip of the Day - GenBI directly on SAP HANA and SAP BW
Tip of the Day - Dynamic dimensions and measures
Guest Blog - Empower the executive sponsor

Latest Questions in the Forum

Local storage of "In Memory" DB
Filter Selected Date
How can I control the Size and Position on a more granular level
Can Pyramid style the color of the text in the tab menu for accessing slides?
KPI with dynamic texts

User Groups and Webinars

Gartner Data & Analytics Summit - Meet our Colleagues

3rd Anthology & Blackboard User Group - Register Now

Learning Live Sessions:

Learning Live Archive - 80+ Hrs of condensed know how


Happy Weekend



Content aside

  • 3 mths agoLast active
  • 31Views
  • 1 Following