Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - Dec 15th - Badges

Dear Community,

if you have logged in since the beginning of this month you might have spotted a small change at the top of your screen. Between the + to start a new Post and your Mailbox, a new Bell Icon has turned up. (You didn't notice, did you ๐Ÿ˜‰) This is your brand new Notifications area. It shows three different categories: Likes that you received, all Articles where you have been Mentioned AND all the Badges that you have achieved.

Badges are a new way of rewarding activities in the community and will be awarded for a variety of tasks and achievements. Read more in this article about the different Badge Categories.

You can check your achieved Badges in your Notifications and see them in a users profile.

In order to give everyone an equal start, activity badges will start to count from now on. So let's go hunting. The first badges are already live when this Post goes live, more badges will follow in the next weeks and special badges might turn up as well.

Have fun and thank you for a great journey so far.

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

A warm welcome to everyone who joined us in the past week. We are looking forward to your questions and suggestions to make this a better community.


If you are mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below to introduce yourself.

New Content in the Tips&Tricks Section.

In the past days we added a large number of Tips & Tricks around advances Visualizations. You can find them in the Discover Section in the Knowledge Base.
Additionally they are all grouped in the Tag: Discover Advanced

New Certified Users   

Level 3 Certification

  - Data Orbis

Looks a bit as everyone is already winding down for the holidays.

New Explore Data Challenge

For the new Explore Data Challenge we take a new direction. This time we only give you a very small Dataset on Christmas Tree Sales in the US. The challenge is to take this as a first stepping stone to build a data story. Use Tabulate, Formulate, Discover to tell us a story about Christmas Trees, drop it in a Presentation, Illustration. 

Be creative! And enjoy if you have a few days off.


Your Community Team 



Content aside

  • 10 mths agoLast active
  • 17Views