Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - Nov 10th

Dear Readers,

I signed up to the community with a personal account to check something in the Profile Pages. (We have retired some options and added a User Type Classification) Checking my Inbox I figured out that the community has become positively busier in the past Year.  This also means that the daily mails tend to get longer and its easier to miss some good content. I thought it might be good to bring back the Weekly Summary Article to point out some highlights.

Here we go again.

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

An amazing 121 new Members have joined the Community since the last Weekly Update. Too many to mention here this time, but you can see who that was in the community.

https://community.pyramidanalytics.com/members and switch to "Recently Joined"

Starting next week I will mention everyone again.

New Certified Users                       

Achieved Certification Level
Level 1 Certification Level 2 Certification Level 3 Certification
20 Users 10 Users 3 Users

Keep Going!!

Explore Pyramid Challenge

We announced the Winner of the recent Pokemon Challenge: 
A klick on the Picture should take you directly into our Explore Server.

The current Challenge uses a large Horror Movie Data Base.

 This is how you can find the dataset when you open a new Discover.

New Content

New Dashboards in the Gallery

We keep adding exampled to the Gallery:

Populations Survey
Financial Services II
Production Plant ESG Dashboard
Equipment and Energy Management

New Tips&Tricks

How to combine Values from Different Measures in one Chart
How to use ChatGPT to analyse workflow Conversations
How to add Seasons to your Time Dimensions

For a full list of Tips&Tricks search: Tips&Tricks in the Tags. You can also follow the Tag so you always get a notification if we publish something.

If you wondered about the Title Picture, its the title from the latest User Group Recording.

If you have tips for me to make the Community a better place.
Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




Content aside

  • 8 mths agoLast active
  • 15Views