Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - Dec 1st - 1.000 Posts

Dear Community,
every month I collect some statistics on the Community, what else would you expect in an Analytics Company. There were two numbers that immediately caught my eye.
This morning we passed 1.000 Posts by our Community Members that is more than double the value we had at this time in the previous period. And we have had more than 100.000 Individuals visiting the Community. This tells me that we are on the right way and getting more and more visibility.
Again, thank you.
Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us in the past week. We are looking forward to your questions and suggestions to make this a better community.
If you are mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below to introduce yourself.
New Content in the Learning Live Archive
Learning Live: Custom Visuals
In this learning live, we cover our Visuals Marketplace and Custom Visuals that you can add via Formulate. We will describe the steps to add Visuals from the Marketplace and what steps to take to create our own custom visual from scratch using the custom visual script editor within Pyramid.
Recording in Learning Live Archive
Learning Live: Dashboard Design & Optimization
In this learning live, we cover design and optimization of Dashboards. Starting from the principles of telling the story behind the data, to fundamental visualization choices, and finally how you can implement these into a real life dashboard in Pyramid Present.
Recording in Learning Live Archive
New Certified Users
Level 1 Certification
- Premier Foods
Level 3 Certification
We are moving the Level 3 Certifications to a new environment.
Keep Going!!
New Content
Reversing Axis Order Value
IBCS Waterfall Column Naming
Forecast con intervalos en matrices (Spanish)
Pyramid Open AI Evaluation
Pyramid Active Augmented Engine
External Content to watch
Our German Partner PRODATO has started a series of explanation Videos taking users to a variety of functions of the Pyramid Platform. Check out the latest edition covering User Authorization and follow their channel. Great work and
Follow this Link to see the video: Das Berechtigungskonzept in Pyramid
P.S. Time to wrap up your Horror Movie Dashboard. We will choose the winner end of next week
Content aside
- 1 yr agoLast active
- 23Views