Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - Sept 27th 2024

Dear Community,
its User Group Season. Last week London, and this Tuesday started with our Israeli Users. Great attendance and more than 50 Users attending in parallel growing to an impressive size. Not only that fascinating presentations by and kept me watching, even if I do not speak the language. Later that day over to our North American Session topped that, with more than 100 users watching , and . Great speakers in both sessions made sure that users did not only logged in, but stayed for the complete duration.
A big thank you to our external Speakers:
- Geokg
- Empyrean
- Musgrave
If you missed our User Group or want to share or re-watch you can find these Meeting and all previous editions in our User Group Section. here on the community. There are two more User Groups in the coming weeks, read more below.
If you would like to host a public or internal User Group reach out to me, we are happy to support you.
Quick Reminder: If you want to learn more about our new Release Framework. There are two dedicated Webinars next week for you in EMEA and the Americas
So, what else happened on the community?
Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community in the last week
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us in the past week. We are looking forward to your questions and suggestions to make this a better community. Remember, if you go into the member search you can sort the users by 'recently joined' feel free to leave them a like, follow them and send them a note. (Please don't spam).
Keep coming and invite your colleagues. If you are mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below to introduce yourself.
News from the Learning Hub - Who got Certified
Level 1
@roman lyakhovsky - Apollo
Level 3
- Tigma Tech
Congratulations and Keep Training.
Tips & Tricks
Tip of the Day - How to Replace Nulls with Zeros
It is quite common to find NULL values in your tables, that means that there is no Data available for this Field. This can have unwanted effects on your visualizations and reporting as these field then do not get visualized and seem 'missing' e.g. Weeks with NULL do not show up. To fill this gap we show you how to replace these NULLs with zero values to 'fill' these reporting gaps. Link to Video
Let us know your feedback in the Article.
Latest Questions in the Forum
Help needed with Real-time data input and String search
Schedule Model Refreshes for a window of time
PeriodstoDate (MDX) for InMemory (PQL) List
Limitation on the Number of Items in the Favorites List
Full list here
Upcoming Events
South African User Group - Oct 3rd (Virtual)
DACH User Group - Oct 20th (Virtual - German)
Latest Recording:
Israeli User Group - Sept 24th (Recording)
North American User Group - Sept 24th (Recording)
Academics User Group - Sept 12th (Recording)
UK/IRL User Group - Sept 17th - London (Recording)
Learning Live Sessions:
Learning Live Archive - 80+ Hrs of condensed know how
Happy Weekend
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- 5 mths agoLast active
- 34Views
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