Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - July 19th 2024

Dear Community,

looking at the participation and visits in the community I can see that the summer holiday season has begun.
Or have you been distracted by the UEFA EURO (will not mention who won) and Copa América (congrats to Argentina). Then welcome back next week.
I guess its just the holidays, as we get more Out of Office Messages. Enjoy your time off, can't wait so see you back refreshed when it cools down (or heats up when you are on the other half or the globe).

The Community Team is using this time to review and make some adjustments. If you have suggestions what we could to better, feel free to send me a message in the Community 

At the same time its great to see that there are more and more active users that share their Know-How. A special THANK YOU this week to  who is featured with this weeks Tip&Trick:

How to use a Report or Page Trigger to generate a Publication when criteria are met 

Thank you for your support, go read it and leave a like under the article.

So, what else happened on the community?

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community in the last week

A warm welcome to everyone who joined us in the past week. We are looking forward to your questions and suggestions to make this a better community. Remember, if you go into the member search you can sort the users by 'recently joined' feel free to leave them a like, follow them and send them a warm welcome. (Please don't spam).


Keep coming and invite your colleagues. If you are mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below to introduce yourself.

Who got certified in the past days

If you wonder how your personal path through our Learning Hub could look like? We can help you, have a look into our 'Suggested Learning Path' on the Hub and find your ideal course schedule.

Level 1

  - Opitz Consulting
 - Infonit

Level 2

@Backiar Rajendran - Kashtech

Congratulations to all, and may be if you have taken previous courses on Pyramid 2020, at least check out the Whats new in 2023 to get up to speed.

Tip&Tricks in the Community

How to use a Report or Page Trigger to generate a Publication when criteria are met by  h

Latest Questions in the Forum

Charts Customization
Mapping with "Layers"
How to get the SQL text of the executed SQL Query Node into a variable

And a reminder, it makes sense to start your IDEAs with a Question in the Q&A, may be someone has developed a Solution, there is a potential workaround or a newer Version already delivers that feature. 

Learning Live Sessions:

Learning Live Archive - 80+ Hrs of condensed know how


Happy Weekend



Content aside

  • 8 mths agoLast active
  • 27Views
  • 2 Following