Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - April 27th

Dear Users,

slowly this becomes a habit, announcing the latest activities on the community, congratulating those who reached new levels in the Learning Management System.  It is great to see how the community slowly picks up and we get more and more questions.
Thank you for that.

Have you already signed up for the Explore Pyramid Platform? Take this months Explore Challenge

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

Aaron Bennett , Vinuvarsith Mahalingam , Divyalakshmi Moorthy , Jen Hoecht , Ying Dong , Puneet Mehta , Steve , Miriam Ramirez , Alex Chen , Richard McCormick , Minghsu Chen , Abraham Tewelde

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

Who has achieved a new level Certification Level

Huge Congratulations to all who have reached a new level. Thank you for your time and interest. We know it takes a while.

Level 2:

Uroš Zdešar - ADD

Level 1:

L. Dharti - Acronotics

Christopher Tecchio - Capco

Gasper Stopar - Data Orbis


You can see the Certification Level of a User in their Profile. If you want to search for e.g. Certified Partners, just type the Partner Name and "Level"

New Questions and Articles

CSV File Export - Scientific Format

Sending Dashboard to End User

Install or Add new Python Packages

Can I bring up a second filter/slicer

Data Model - ML - Linear Regression

Ability to see Formating Options after formating a Slicer 

for full details, check out and subscribe to: 


Have fun.


If you wondered about the Title Picture, it has been created with NightCafe.studioAI and shows the 'Business as Usual in a Computer Room'

Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 34Views