Community Tips: How do Badges work in the community


Badges are an important visible Piece to show your activities and engagement with the Pyramid User Community, you can now earn these Awards in a variety of activities. This article will show how you can get these Badges, how they work and where you can check how many Badges you or another User has received. Let the Games begin.

To give everyone a level playing field we will not count activities that have been done before 12/2023. So basically everything will count from 2024 onward. What categories of Badges can you achieve. 

Profile Badges:

 Profile Badges are awarded when you start your Journey and get settled in, things like Adding a Picture, Reading the Community Guidelines etc will earn you a Badge. 

If you have not added a picture, its time to brush up your Profile. If you already have a Picture, delete it and re-add it. (Tip from the Community Concierge ๐Ÿ˜‰)


 A special Badge is awarded for all new Members, it will only show up during the first few weeks of their Journey. If you see this Badge, please offer your help, and make them feel welcome in the Pyramid Community



Activity Badges:

Activity Badges are awarded when you do something in the Community, e.g. Liking a post, getting a Vote for your Idea or when your posts are liked. Easy isn't?

You will see that these Badges have certain levels, you will get a first Badge for your first activity and additional 'upgraded' Badges if the activity is repeated. 


The next Level of Activity Badges are those where you need your keyboard: Asking Questions, Replies, and Accepted Answers will earn you Brownie Points, but are also a good indicator of your know how and understanding of the Product. The best will ask and answer a lot of Questions in the Community.



Another Badge get's awarded for your Activities in our Ideas Section, please make sure that you read out Guidelines for Ideas before you post.  



Timed Badges:

Some Badges are timed, you will only keep them if you keep the Activity Level Up for a certain time. With these Badges we want to put a spotlight on our best and most active Members. Its a true Badge of Honor, the Color of these Badges is Red, the only timed Badge in Blue is our New Member Badge, see above.


Special Achievement Badges:

The Final Group of Badges so far is based on Activities outside the Community Platform. They mark achievements like Certifications in the Pyramid Learning Hub.

This is the Level 3 Certification Badge. There are also Badges for Level 1 and 2.


Speakers that spoke at User Groups, or on Public Events will get awarded with the Microphone Badge. We will add Badges and other parts of Gamification to the Platform in the next few month, so may be there will be a new Badge in your Profile or we give you targets to look out for.


This is just a short overview about the different types of Badges you can collect. Let's go Badge Hunting.

Your Community Team.

