Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - May 4th

Dear Users,

another week and more updates to the community. Thanks to your participation this place gets busier and more lively every week. In comparison to last year. Our Members viewed 60% more pages, and have posted 45% more than in the period before. This is amazing and we thank you a lot for your participation. Keep it coming, don't be shy.

We are half way through with our first Explore Challenge, have you seen the small challenges that you can take? Sign Up now and take this months Explore Challenge.

Feel like a Jedi solving the challenge

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

Kurt Tracy Harrington Red Giraffe  Sabina Mammadova Timothy Grieco Mad Amruthur Dean Carriveau  Niclas Lovgren Boštjan Žbogar Keith Delmarco Laura Jensen   Bruce Campbell Ravi Yellapantula

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

Who has achieved a new level Certification Level

Huge Congratulations to all who have reached a new level. Thank you for your time and interest. We know it takes a while.

Level 2:

Anastasiia Ryzhikova - BiCycle

Level 1:

Sachin Mohanty - Camden AI

Congratulations Padawans!

You can see the Certification Level of a User in their Profile. If you want to search for e.g. Certified Partners, just type the Partner Name and "Level"

New Questions and Articles

Classic Pivot Table Design

Unable to line up aggregate Attributes in a Table

Reset Password for Pyramid Platform

for full details, check out and subscribe to: 


"Answers if you send in your questions, you will get" Yoda

Other Changes in the Community

As of today the Tips&Tricks Category has been moved from Best Practices to the Product Knowledge Section. All of the combined Articles have been split for better searchability into the Product Module Subcategories. "It easier to search the truth, this will make"...   We will keep adding to this section. Let us know what you think. If you want do suggest a Knowledge Base Article, feel free to DM me: Christian Langmayr

Have fun.


If you wondered about the Title Picture, it has been created with NightCafe.studioAI and shows the 'A Jedi Programmer at work creating reports'. May the force be with you on May 4th

Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




Content aside

  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 40Views