Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - July 6th

Dear Community,

slow start to the week for my US Colleagues with two days celebrating, luckily enough no Aliens in sight to battle, just the usual fireworks and BBQ. As everything slows down for summer holidays, we are busy planning the second half of the year. More to come for Explore, more Content for the Knowledge Base, more User Groups. Really looking forward to share more.


Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

George Ho Or Muehlstein Peter Eisele Elena Veselkova Jeff Kao Cheslin Hickley ksixta4558 Maya avisdris Yusuf Sidi Jordan Radin Ajit Monteiro Jonathan Kolar Willy Wang Sue Bulitta  Daan Bakboord

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

News from the Education Team

Level 1

Jeanette Adams - Affirma Consulting
Sue Bulitta - Illinois Central College
Johnny Gabert - Capco

Keep Going!!

New Content available on the community

User Group South Africa now Virtual

To give our global users an easier access to our upcoming User Group in South Africa we decided to open it to virtual.

Read More and Register here: User Group South Africa Jul 13th

New Questions

Custom User Dimension Linked to a specific Account

Proportions in Presentation Mode

Add Action Button to Table Row

for full details, check out and subscribe to: 


Get involved and help us to answer some questions.

If you wondered about the Title Picture, back to ChatGPT in Present. Enjoying a BBQ in the Garden with friends, Monet Style.

If you have tips for me to make the Community a better place.
Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions


1 reply

    • Director Data & AI
    • Daan_Bakboord
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for the warm welcome Christian Langmayr


    Hi Community,

    Mijn naam is Daan Bakboord. Voor de mensen die dit zonder Google Translate begrijpen, ik ben directeur bij Pong; een Pyramid Analytics partner in Nederland. Het lijkt mij leuk om hier van gedachten te wisselen over de (on-)mogelijkheden van Pyramid Analytics. Mochten jullie vragen en/of opmerkingen hebben, ik hoor het graag. Ik kom graag in contact.


    For the English readers, my name is Daan Bakboord. I'm a director at Pong; a Pyramid Analytics partner in the Netherlands. It would be nice to exchange thoughts here about the (im)possibilities of Pyramid Analytics. If you have any questions and/or comments, I'd love to hear from you. I'd like to get in touch.

    -- Daan Bakboord

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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