Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - May 25th

Dear Users,

back on our usual spot on Thursday with the weekly update on the community. If you are a customer or partner you know that there is a lot to look forward in the next weeks. So although it might seem a bit quieter here, there is a lot going on behind the scenes.

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

Krasimir Dimkin Mahmoud Khedr Sandor Takacs Gemma Olamendi Krithiga Pravallika Arikapalli Aishat Omodayo Shakthi Ramasubramanian Pratik Das Ralf Klepp Amrutha Reddy Keri Collins-Mooney Rafeeq Ahmed Githen Ronney Hung Nguyen Faisal Mirza vinay valeti Fergus Ustianowski Anže Pirc Ilya Tsyrulnik Nace Kapus

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

New from the Education Team

Level 2

Janaranjan Maneksha - Tigma Technologies
Tamizhanban K - Tigma Technologies

Level 1

Fergus Ustianowski - Snap Analytics

New Content available on the community

Team for Explore Pyramid

As mentioned above we are reviewing and rebuilding a few things in the background. A big part of this is a restructure of the Explore Pyramid Server. Those of you who already have signed up to the Challenges will have notices that there is now a new section visible for you.

And I am really happy to have the colleagues joining the virtual Challenge Team to create interesting Tasks on an ongoing basis. This means, there are now five Members in the crew. Nkhensani , Angelie Janssen , Mark , Calvin Fuss and myself. Stay tuned for interesting news.

New Questions and Articles

Gantt Charts?
Can Pyramid Model maintain microsecond timestamps?
From and To Parameters
Use a formulate to set a Default Parameter Value
How to save the Analysis Measures

for full details, check out and subscribe to: 


Get involved and help us to answer some questions.

If you wondered about the Title Picture, it has been created with NightCafe.studioAI and shows 'software developers waiting for a new release'. Have a nice weekend

Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 40Views