Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - June 22nd

Dear Users,

thank you for reading this. The Pyramid User Community is more than this Webpage. Its also not only Colleagues answering and feeding the pages with Content like Learning Live or filling the Knowlede Base with Solutions. 
Its all about you, the users and partners.  You fuel the exchange with your Questions (more please) and Product Ideas. Ultimately that is the best way to help each other to build better solutions. Go and make this your place to discuss and exchange.

Another part of the Journey to a better community and more discussions, are our User Groups. Yesterday we had our first virtual US User Group, John Luzier from The Physician Alliance took us through their journey with Pyramid and show how they save lives and optimize processes. A big thank you for that and looking forward to the next ones.

We believe to be on the right track and we are proud as a team where we took this in the first few month. Looking forward to build on this with you.


Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

Vaughan van der Merwe Dilak Lokuvithana Seiful Umatov John Burk Ken Anvender dgf Massimo Maggioni Jacob Johnson Dillon Barry Chris Bohlk Francesco Meacci Robert Calvert Germann Apaev Kiran Georgina Webster

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

News from the Education Team

Level 1

Georgina Webster - CCW Learning Consultants
Enrique González - BACIT Technologies
Matic Rogar - DataOrbis
Tsvetina Chelebieva - Veracity

Level 3

Kalaiarasi Dhanabal - Tigma Technologies
Johan Dalberg - Pyramid Analytics

Congratulations, keep going

New Content available on the community

Pyramid 2020.28

Release Notes for Pyramid 2020.28

Explore Pyramid upgraded to 2023 + Added Tabulate and Solve

The Explore Server has received an Upgrade to 2023 and we opened the Tabulate and Solve Modules for your to have a look, read more here.

New Explore Pyramid Mission started

With the Update to 2023 we also dropped the second Explore Pyramid Mission. Dig deep into your box of Plastic Brick and develop some Visualizations.
Learn more about the Mission here.

Winner of the first Mission Announced

Congratulations to Mollie who took on the Data Challenge, find the full Dashboard in the Public Folder on explore.pyramidanalytics.com

New Questions

Comment out Parts of Formulate in Business Logic

Get Data from 2 Months Ago

for full details, check out and subscribe to: 


Get involved and help us to answer some questions.

If you wondered about the Title Picture, this time I did not user Night Cafe, but I used our ChatGPT/OpenAI Integration and had it create a background for a presentation on the Topic: Winning together.

If you have tips for me to make the Community a better place.
Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 49Views