Welcome to the 'new' Pyramid Analytics User Community
Welcome to the renewed Pyramid Analytics User Community
Dear Users,
as you have seen, we have renewed the existing Pyramid Analytics User Community. It has a new layout and some things have moved their place in the system.
But most importantly we have updated our Terms of Service, the Guidelines and Security Rules. You will see a message when you sign in that askss you to accept these rules before you can enter.
Terms of Service: https://www.pyramidanalytics.com/terms-of-use/
Privacy Policy: https://www.pyramidanalytics.com/privacy-policy/
Community Guidlines: https://community.pyramidanalytics.com/t/60hsqnq/pyramid-analytics-user-community-guidelines
What else has changed:
- We have added Sections with Tips and Tricks, that give you hints and shortcuts to approve your daily work.
- There is now a calender, we will collect important upcoming technical webinars and events for you, watch out for Usergroups in 2023 and beyond.
- Some parts have gone private, if you miss anything that you had access to previously. Let us know so we can reopen them for you
The community team looks forward to your feedback on the layout and content.
Please spend a few minutes to share your thoughts in this survey:
Or leave a comment below
Christian Langmayr
Community Manager
Content aside
- 1 yr agoLast active
- 43Views
- 1 Following