Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - July 14th

Dear Community,

last week I was talking with one of the Users. He mentioned that with the growing activity level in the community, he receives a lot of e-Mails from the Platform.

While we are absolutely amazed by the pick up, I understand that might be a problem. So how do you control the amount of Messages from the Community?

Nothing easier than that, you can manage this in your profile in the Notification Settings. Read more in this Article. I would advise not to completely switch off E-Mails as we also announce New Versions with these notifications.

Still got questions? Reach out to me via a DM here in the System -> Christian


Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

Bruce Wilson Noel Grieve Andreas Paredi Tobie Oosthuysen Madina Shauna Duffy    cody orr Simon Devine   David Jones  Tomasz Borsuk Malcolm Simpson Charles Joseph Filipp Troyan Rae Sally Gildenhuys Michelle Blatt Marina Matej Nabergoj Dorothy Wu animesh k Sue Bulitta

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

News from the Education Team

Level 1

Coby Gardner - Align BI
Dmitri Kanounnikov - BicycleBI
Dragan Petkovic - Pyramid

Level 2

Emily Gwilt - Amplify UK (Completing Level 1 and 2 in one week)
Johnny Gabert - Capco

Keep Going!!

New Content available on the community

User Group Recordings

After running two User Groups in the past weeks, we are now preparing to upload them into the Pyramid Innovator Section. The first one should be ready early next week.
BTW, absolutely amazing presentation by Natalie-Anne Botha from DataOrbis, building the demo Explore.Pyramid extra thumbs up for this.

New Questions

Getting busier, thanks!

Can R or Python models be imported into a Data Model
Cascading Parameters
Data Filters to allow range and null selection
Sorting on aggregated measures on PostgrSQL
Text Parameters wich retreive Data Ranges
Splitting DataSet Train Errors
Renaming Direct Query Tables

for full details, check out and subscribe to: 


Get involved and help us to answer some questions.

If you wondered about the Title Picture, its a sneaky ScreenShot from yesterdays user group.

If you have tips for me to make the Community a better place.
Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




Content aside

  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 71Views