Community Newsletter No#2 - 2023

Welcome back to the new Pyramid Community Newsletter. We are coming to your inbox with more news from our Education Team and the Community.

Once again, here are the topics for this month's newsletter!

  • News from our education team 
  • Product updates and how-tos 
  • What's happening in the Community?  

Business User Courses 

Our Pyramid Learning Hub caters to more than Report Developers and Administrators. There are several courses developed for end users that work with existing reports and dashboards. Sign up for our Viewer course or take one of the Use Cases to learn to use the many self-service capabilities within the Pyramid Platform. 

Click this link to get an Overview about our Business User Courses

If you don’t have access to a dedicated training environment, the new Explore Pyramid page in the Community has you covered. This page provides training data so every user can experience Pyramid as a Viewer or Pro without additional permissions.  

Celebrate your Achievements 

Documenting your skills is important. The Pyramid Learning Hub offers you three levels of certification to complete.

When you reach Level 3, we will officially announce your achievement in the Community  "What’s New" section and on LinkedIn. Get ready to celebrate your achievements!

Learn more about the possible Pyramid Certifications.

Pyramid in the Gartner Critical Capabilities Report 

Have you heard? Pyramid received top rankings in the latest Gartner Critical Capabilities report. We couldn't have reached this milestone without our customers, who provide feedback and ideas to improve the platform and share its benefits with peers. Here is a link to the Gartner report for you to read and share!

New and Upcoming: Learning Live Content

Upcoming User Group Meetings

We are happy to announce two upcoming User Group meetings. To learn more about the agenda, register in our Community. 

  • June 21, 2023:  Virtual Health Care—US 
    This is our first US-based User Group. Fue to the distributed user base, we will start with a virtual meeting and may add local in-person meetings later. 
  • July 13, 2023: Cape Town South Africa 
    We're proud to announce our first in-person User Group hosted at our customer's offices in Cape Town. Let's meet in real life and get connected. 

If you want to be part of a local or industry User Group, reach out to our Community here.   

Decision Intelligence Blog Series 

We recently launched the first of a new series of Decision Intelligence blogs, in which we cover general topics around decision intelligence like dashboard design and analytical infrastructure topics. These articles are written by our internal experts as well as guest bloggers.

Our initial topic covered the impact that color blindness has on the readability of reports and dashboards. Read the full article here: Reports, Dashboards and Color Blindness.

We hope that you like this newsletter. Let us know what you think!



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  • 34Views