Pyramid Community Weekly Wrap Up - June 1st

Dear Users,

exiting times ahead, lots of new stuff coming that I can't yet talk about. Those who attended our recent Customer and Partner Webinars could tell you. We will update this page as quick as possible in the next days and also upgrade the Explore Server to give you an easy way to 'explore' what's coming.

Who has joined the Pyramid Analytics Community this week

Send your warm welcome to the new users.

pwatson Matic Rogar Tony Lopykinski shannon kobus Antonietta Lutz John Bullough Jeanette Adams suvarna Kerumane Paul Narup Barry Plunkett Mitch Bell Donna Freeman

If you have been mentioned here, feel free to comment and introduce yourself below. 

News from the Education Team

Level 3

Daniel Dünschede - Pyramid Analytics (nearly missed you finishing this)

Level 1

John Luzier - The Physician Alliance
Puneet Mehta - The Honest Consultants

Congratulations, keep going

New Content available on the community

Guest Blog about Data Mesh by Mastaneh Nikroo from our Partner Reply

Data Mesh is one of the Buzzwords currently catching quite some attention. In her Guest Blog Mastaneh Nikroo from our Partner Reply covers the basics and show how you can start to build a Data Bash with Pyramid Analytics.

Read more in the Guest Blog:

Leveraging Pyramid Analytics to Migrate to Data Mesh Architecture

and feel free to reach out directly to Mastaneh

New Questions and Articles

Sequential Sorting of a single dimension

Adjusting the Visuals in the Publication Page

Export Date Member Column to Excel as Date and not Text

Preview the Publication

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Get involved and help us to answer some questions.

If you wondered about the Title Picture, it has been created with NightCafe.studioAI and shows 'winning a bicycle race'. Symbolizing the feeling you get from finalizing a project and my personal Kudos to Mark Cavendish, who announced retirement and then won a stage a the Giro. (Hey its my column and I can give it a personal note) ;-). Have a nice weekend

Feel free to comment, send feedback and suggestions




Content aside

  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 57Views