Pyramid 2020.20 Issues Addressed

The following list enumerates all the main bug fixes in the 2020.20 version. 

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  • Fixed an issue where unexpected results were returned in Discovery when using a diamond-shaped relationship in a model
  • Fixed a UI issue where it looked like the Pyramid Even Schedule was removed after closing and reopening the ETL
  • Fixed an issue where an error message appeared after clicking on the Undo button and going to the Master flow
  • Fixed an issue where using Divide in a Calculated Column had failed
  • Fixed an issue that limited the output of a 'Calculated Column' to 255 characters
  • Improved error message when using a space in the Target column of a Python script
  • Fixed an issue where using an Excel target in a model created folders when it should not
  • Fixed an issue where VARBINARY fields got discarded and weren't brought through to the data model screens
  • Fixed an issue where an Oracle direct query join had failed


  • Fixed an issue where Hex values of custom colors were overwritten to slightly different values
  • Fixed an issue where Viewer users were unable to see the Decedents option in the context menu of a member in case Formulation was disabled in the user's profile
  • Fixed an issue where an ODATA link did not open a report that had a dot (.) in the column header
  • Fixed an issue where Ask a Question did not render a map in a report
  • Fixed a visual issue where filters expanded when using the Hebrew UI and based on specific Windows and browser zoom levels
  • Fixed an issue where Include Context in an Action did not work as expected when the user deselected items in the filter after selecting All
  • Fixed a performance issue related to using Set Element Order on a hierarchy with millions of items while the elements tree is open
  • Fixed an issue where a hierarchy was mistakenly marked as a time hierarchy
  • Fixed an issue where a report that was filtered by a background filter and was opened in a pop up didn't show which member it was filtered by
  • Fixed an issue where a parameter did not show in a report when used in a switch list
  • When using a custom color in Columns/Rows/Data of a grid, fixed an issue where Pyramid didn't indicate which custom color was used
  • Added the "Remember user's last selection" option to all filter types
  • Fixed an issue an endless spinner appeared when opening a tabular model with an unprocessed dimension
  • Fixed an issue where filters with long member names didn't seem as expected when using Hebrew UI language
  • Fixed an issue where the URL icon appeared in the grid for a URL column even if the URL value was empty
  • Queries

    • When using a BW data source, fixed an issue where an error message appeared if the query returned a special character
    • Improved handling of dimensions disconnected from the fact table
    • Fixed an issue where an error message appeared when switching between Time Calculations
    • Fixed an issue where the Rank calculation in SQL produced unexpected results when there were multiple columns in a grid
    • Fixed an issue where a calculation that is based on parameter failed when placed in Filters
    • Fixed an issue where a blank member from an outer join was not visible in the selection tree
    • Fixed an issue where "Bin by size" had failed when the value was equal to or higher than 10 million
    • Fixed an issue where the order of non-alphanumeric characters produced unexpected results
    • Fixed an issue where a switch aggregation caused an enumeration error when placed in 'Combined Elements'
    • Added an option to remove Scope Isolation from the query
    • Fixed an issue where a custom logic that used a parameter returned empty results
    • Fixed an issue where running a very big query crashed the Runtime Engine
  • Visualizations

    • Fixed an issue where entering a high From value and a low To value in Custom Scale Limits caused the Axis Labels to disappear
    • Fixed an issue where a data point appeared for a null value
    • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change back to the previous visual by clicking Undo after switching to an Open High Low Close chart
    • Fixed an issue where a chart legend showed eliminated items
    • Optimized pie chart labels visibility


  • Fixed an issue where a Dynamic Text that was placed in the Content master page was not updated as expected
  • Fixed an issue where some slides did not appear in the Presentation Launcher depending on the Windows and Browser zoom levels
  • Fixed several Cross Model Mapping issues where a filter returned unexpected results after selecting all items
  • Improved Cross Modell Mapping performance
  • Fixed an issue where a "The following parameter has no input" message appeared when using an interaction between a parameter-driven calculation and a grid
  • Fixed an issue where an input parameter was not found in a component that was added to a slide and causing the component to fail with a General Error
  • Fixed an issue where a parameter in an interaction was unselected after copy/paste
  • Fixed an issue where a presentation was corrupted after saving it while editing an unsaved one-off illustration
  • Fixed an issue where a disabled cascading filter was still being used in the query
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on Reset in a slide cleared a Dynamic Text value that was injected using a Target
  • Fixed an issue where selecting All in a cascading filter returned unexpected results
  • Fixed an issue where deselecting items after selecting All in a filter and then using Analyze Further opened the report with All selected in the filter
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Tooltip Designer' dialogue was cut off on a screen with 1366x768 resolution
  • Fixed an issue where Cascading filters with highlight interaction failed to load


  • Fixed an issue where a Placeholder did not populate in a Subscription
  • Fixed an issue where the execution list of a schedule could not be sorted by date
  • Fixed an issue where a Publication schedule ran twice when it was expected to run once
  • Fixed an issue where a scheduled publication failed when the publication contained a report based on a 'SAP BW' data source and using 'Logon Tickets' as the auth type
  • Fixed an issue where a scheduled job name that was saved in Hebrew appears as ???
  • Fixed several issues where a schedule didn't run at the correct time or didn't run at all
  • Fixed an issue where the content was attached to Subscription email although the license did not have this option
  • Fixed an issue where a schedule didn't run if a trigger launch condition contained a Null
  • Fixed an issue where a scheduled Publication didn't run if the schedule had an empty filter


  • Fixed an issue where clicking on Refresh Metadata after selecting a 'Named Set' in a list showed Member Not Found as the selection
  • Fixed an issue in the List editor where after clicking on one of the items in the Selected panel, it did not appear in the Select Elements panel
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Contains' function failed when it used a level that is ordered by a different column
  • Fixed an issue where Search Elements within a formulation did not return results unless the hierarchy was expanded
  • Fixed an issue where a Dynamic Caption did not update as expected
  • Fixed an issue where unselecting a single member in a formulation resulted in several members being removed
  • Fixed an issue where a Filter node did not appear in List when using German UI language
  • Fixed an issue where formulations had failed for members with long names when column type was Decimal on IMDB


  • Fixed an issue where an Illustration showed an incorrect color
  • Fixed an issue where renaming a one-off illustration had failed
  • Fixed an issue where Pyramid did not correctly indicate the font type of a Dynamic Text
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create a dynamic text based on a report with BW parameters
  • Fixed an issue where Strike Trough didn't work for some text boxes
  • Fixed an issue where a Dynamic Text was removed after editing it without saving

Content Management

  • Fixed an issue where copy and pasting content from My Content into Workgroup content didn't add a role
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Search' did not return results for users from a non-default tenant searching for cross tenant enabled content located in the default tenant
  • In the Data Source Changer, it is now possible to apply the "Duplicate" and "Cascade to Usages" setting to all items
  • Fixed an issue where the Migrating Wizard did not use the Proxy Settings, configured in the 'Admin Console' under 'Networking'
  • Fixed an issue where a "Request Error - Parallel process interrupted" message appeared when running Analyze Structure
  • Fixed an issue where Structure Analyzer didn't find errors in nested calculations
  • Fixed an issue where Hierarchies selection in the Runtime setting of a Presentation defaulted back to all after an import
  • Added a 'Cancel' button to the spinner, which appears when opening a report
  • Fixed an issue where models appear more than once in the Data Source Changer
  • Fixed an issue where presentation data sources changed incorrectly after an import
  • Added an option to select between creating new copies of the content or replacing content when using the Migration tool
  • Fixed an issue a NullPointerException error appeared after deep pasting a Present
  • Fixed an issue where content that was removed from a presentation was re-created in a folder once the presentation was copied and deep pasted
  • Fixed an issue where migrating content to 'Workgroup Content' created a folder in the top-level which couldn't be removed

Printing / Export

  • Fixed an issue where using 'Copy Raw Data' on an extensive report resulted in an Out of memory error
  • Fixed an issue where column headers were cut off in a print when using a custom font
  • Fixed an issue where Custom Visual printing did not work when loading external libraries
  • Fixed several issues where printing had failed
  • Fixed an issue where a large grid failed to print with a "The number of Cell Styles was exceeded" error
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a report with more than eight attributes on rows/columns had failed
  • Fixed an issue where the font size in a PowerPoint print was different than the one in the one set in Pyramid
  • Fixed an issue where only one chart was exported to Excel when exporting a Presentation with a trellised chart
  • Fixed an issue where empty columns appeared in an Excel export
  • Fixed an issue where a Custom Caption did not appear on a scheduled print
  • Fixed an issue where a duration column (hh:mm:ss) was formatted incorrectly when printed to Excel
  • Fixed an issue where the Excel sheets appeared in an incorrect order when printing a Present
  • Fixed an issue where a Present print from one slide had a slicer selection from another slide in the file name
  • Fixed an issue where after copying 'Raw Data' with the <> sign and pasting in an Excel file, the <> did not appear
  • Made German localization improvements in the 'Paper Type' dropdown


  • Fixed an issue where logs were exported partially
  • Fixed an issue where a filtered User list only returned items from the current page
  • Fixed an issue where the second page of the transaction logs appeared empty
  • Added a new Member Security Cache timeout option
  • Fixed an issue where the Pyramid logs weren't cleared based on the pre-defined interval
  • Fixed an issue where a custom theme had caused slowness in Pyramid
  • Fixed an issue where Publication Schedules did not appear in the Admin after an upgrade
  • Fixed an issue where Provisioning sometimes failed with a "Snapshot isolation transaction aborted" error
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to update a non-admin SAML username
  • Fixed an issue where the Conversation button was not removed in Viewer mode when Workflows (Social Collaboration) was disabled
  • Fixed an issue where canceled items appeared in the Schedules > Models list after selecting to hide inactive items
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete IMDB databases
  • The Display name of a data source was increased from 36 to 255 characters
  • Fixed an issue that caused the license upload to fail
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect number of licenses appeared under 'Licensing'
  • Fixed an issue where sending an email via AWS had failed with a 'Could not convert socket to TLS' error on a k8s environment


  • Fixed an issue where a login screen appeared when logging into Pyramid using SAML ADFS Windows Authentication
  • Fixed an issue where the restrictive Profile permissions were applied to a Role in case both restrictive and permissive Profiles were assigned to it
  • Fixed an issue where, after switching from AD Authentication to SAML Authentication , a user was unable to log in if it had the same username as one of the AD users
  • Fixed an issue where the SAML setup Test button didn't validate the SSL certificate


  • Fixed an issue where dataSource/recognizeDataBase did not validate the DB name
  • Fixed an issue where 'API2/access/createTenant' did not provide an error message when failing due to an already existing tenant
  • Fixed an issue where 'API2/tasks/findSchedule' returned spooled run jobs in addition to scheduled jobs
  • Fixed an issue where 'API2/tasks/runSchedule' logged two entries for the output of the same task
  • Fixed an issue where 'API2/content/getFolderItems' returned fewer items than expected
  • Fixed an issue where 'API2/content/import content did not return anything in the 'importDscMap' property


  • Fixed an issue where adding AI service to a multi-server installation had failed
  • Fixed an issue where the initial username was saved incorrectly in the DB when using Russian characters on Windows installations
  • Fixed an issue where installing Kubernetes using RDS PostgreSQL failed if the username had an @ in it
  • Fixed an issue where unticking 'Auto Login' caused the Kubernetes deployment to fail


  • Fixed an issue where the Scroll position was changed while scrolling a presentation in the mobile app
  • Fixed an issue where the Play button in the motion bar did not work in the iPhone app


  • Made several corrections to the online help
  • The license expiration notice will now only appear for Enterprise Admins

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