How to create a Week to Date or Parallel Periods list, for a week that starts on Sunday when using a sql data source

Week to Date, using a specific date:

1. Create a new List in Formulate

 2. Drag ‘Week to Date’ into the canvas, choose a date under Pick a Member:

3. Set the Day of the week to start from 7, under Insert Arguments:

Note: Sunday is the 7th day of the week, according to the setting of a week that starts on Monday

4. Save and click on Quick Discovery and you will see the result:


Parallel Periods list, for a specific date:

1. Create a new List in Formulate

2. Drag ‘Parallel Periods’ into the canvas, choose the date under Pick a Member:

3. Click on Insert Arguments:  choose the Number of periods to move, Type of interval to move and Specific Date under Period type for the result:

4. Switch to script mode, and wrap the syntax with  “fullweek(syntax, SUN)”.

For example: Once switched to scrip mode, you need to modify the following {ParallelPeriods([data].[dateKey].[1288137600000],1,3)}

into: {fullweek(ParallelPeriods([data].[dateKey].[1288137600000],1,3),SUN)}

5. Save and open quick Discovery:


In the example above, the date of October 27th, 2010 was used:


Additional detailed information on Week To Date in Pyramid Help: Week to Date.



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