Pyramid 2020 Addressed Issues

 Pyramid 2020 release announcement

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where a Tenant cannot be deleted
  • Fixed an issue where the data sources Tenant shows as "Unknown"
  • Fixed an issue where the Content Summary showed inconsistent numbers
  • Fixed a provisioning issue related to the "Evaluate group with SID" option
  • Fixed an issue where an error message appears after opening the Benchmark Logs
  • Fixed an issue where configuring security in Script Mode does not take effect when applying it on a private role
  • A clearer error message for an incorrect password when connecting to IMDB
  • Fixed an issue where the "Do not use cube security" option did not work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where a Server Error appeared after enabling Internal Network Encryption
  • Fixed an issue where a new role did not appear in the server roles until the page was refreshed
  • Fixed an issue where tenants were not ordered alphabetically when using database auth
  • Fixed an issue where a cookie timeout setting change reverted back
  • Fixed an issue where publication job executions were ordered incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue when browsing through publications took a long time to load in the admin
  • Fixed an issue where publication status was not refreshed after re-running the publication
  • Fixed an issue where partially failed publications didn't show a Runtime date
  • Fixed an issue where expanding on a failed publication would expand the items at the end of the publications list
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to configure Member Security for Private Roles when using Group Roles


  • Fixed an issue where an enterprise admin could see private custom visuals of other users in the content selection area
  • Fixed an issue where Parameters did not work in Viewer mode or when accessed via URL for Professional
  • Fixed an issue where domain admins can see private custom elements in List View
  • Fixed an issue where a deleted custom item reappeared in a certain scenario
  • Fixed an issue where a deleted model still appeared in Favorites/Recent
  • Fixed an issue using a decimal "Fixed value" in a Filter
  • It's now possible to change the formats of Context Functions
  • Fixed an issue where the Member List Builder throw an error in case the user exceeded the row limit
  • Fixed an issue where a named set appeared to be selected but wasn't
  • Data Alignment icons visual fix for Hebrew UI
  • Fixed an issue where the lightning icon persisted after running the query in a specific scenario
  • Fixed an issue where after exporting a Drill-through to Excel, the file had redundant columns
  • Fixed an issue where a report link did not work as expected when it was opened in a new session
  • Fixed an issue where a Render Error appeared after saving a one-off calculation in a specific scenario
  • Fixed an issue where a Render Error appeared when using a parameter with an empty measure set
  • Improved behavior of the search function in a Discover
  • Fixed a scrolling issue when using non-WebKit browsers (such as IE)
  • Fixed an incorrect measures subfolders order

Query Engine

  • The natural order of custom is now alphabetical
  • Fixed an issue where a query fails when there is an apostrophe in a member name when the underlying data source is Big Query
  • Fixed an issue where a report timed out due to a specific combination of the Grand total with one or more slicers.


  • Fixed an issue where incorrect colors appeared when using Stacked Area chart
  • Fixed an issue where changes that were made to items in the Legend were applied to incorrect elements in the chart
  • Fixed a visual issue where a small white space appeared in a chart after removing Axis Labels
  • Fixed an issue where data labels were removed from a chart in a certain scenario
  • Fixed an issue changing a series color
  • Fixed an issue where a stacked chart wasn't stacked when using a cumulative context measure that has gaps in the data
  • Fixed an issue where chart tooltips were cut off in Firefox
  • Fixed an issue where the Pound sign (£) wasn't visible in an area chart
  • Fixed an issue where Data Labels disappeared when resizing the browser window to a smaller size
  • Fixed an issue wherein an RTL UI, multi-chart title alignment was incorrect
  • Fixed an issue that caused a measure bar to be duplicated when using a bar chart in a specific scenario
  • Fixed an issue where the common X-axis didn't work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to drag a measure to a primary/secondary axis in Values when using a Bar Chart
  • Fixed an issue where changes made to a series by editing a legend item was not applied to the correct series
  • Fixed an issue where a Euro currency format string wasn't applied to the Y-axis
  • Fixed an issue where Pie Chart wasn't rendered on all the given space when inside labels were enabled.
  • Chart Line Style improvement in Edge browser.
  • Fixed an issue where negative values weren't represented in the stacked column chart in a specific scenario


  • Fixed a scrolling issue when drilling down an element in a long grid
  • Fixed an issue where Null values were not removed when selecting Hide Empty
  • Fixed an issue where 'scrolled grid' was reset after expand/collapse on its elements
  • Fixed an issue with Tabular grid lines in Hebrew.
  • Fixed an issue where background selection in 'Discover' was not affecting the grid


  • Several visual improvements made to the KPIs
  • Fixed an issue where the Value in a KPI does not display a custom format string
  • Fixed an issue where Arc KPI showed correct results only when the bands were between 0 and 1
  • Important Note
    Shapes/squares/balls KPI's from V5 will NOT be supported anymore, they will be converted to text gauge/percentage KPI.


  • Fixed an issue where a Multi-Select drop-down filter hanged when populated by a big list


  • Fixed an issue where the ESC key didn't work for during runtime when using IE
  • Fixed an issue where the URL action failed in a specific scenario
  • It's now possible to create interactions to measure slicers
  • Improved the text component line spacing
  • Fixed an issue where Context was passed to a Jump To Slide action regardless of the selection made in the Include Context checkbox
  • Fixed the Reset and Undo buttons functionality in Internet Explorer and Edge
  • Fixed an issue where an interaction got deleted when the Filter was hidden
  • Fixed a visual issue with presentation chart resize
  • Fixed an issue where the borderlines of the header and body were not aligned correctly during runtime when using the Hebrew UI
  • Fixed an issue causing the "Request URL Too Long" error when using Jump to report and including context
  • Fixed an issue where the Lasso didn't work for Raw Results
  • Fixed an issue where measures textual global parameter didn't interact correctly with a presentation
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to delete a slide in a specific scenario
  • Fixed an issue causing Filters to hang with an endless spinner
  • Fixed an issue where resetting a presentation with two grids that have sync interaction only resets one grid
  • Fixed an issue where textual parameters did not work in Presentation in a specific scenario
  • Optimized performance of design time filters
  • Fixed an issue where the client froze after adding a large hierarchy to the Motion drop zone
  • Fixed an issue where Scale To Fit did not work properly in Hebrew UI language
  • Fixed an issue where the last legend item on a chart was cut off in the presentation runtime


  • Fixed an issue where a standard list was not loading
  • Fixed an issue to order a measure list in an IMDB data source
  • Fixed an illustration resizing issue


  • Fixed an issue when you updated a Dynamic text, it's font would revert back to default

Publish / Schedule

  • The schedule manager was redesign and improved
  • Fixed an issue where a Schedule failed in a specific scenario when configured to send out emails based on a CSV file
  • Fixed an issue where a publication did not show X-axis labels


  • Improved GIS database
  • Fixed an issue where the map refreshed after making a Filter selection while AutoRun was off
  • It's now possible to use a measure from a tabular model as long/lat
  • Fixed an issue where an RGB color that was set in a formulation appeared in a map tooltip
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to set levels as geographical when using IMDB or MSSQL
  • Fixed an issue where tooltip didn't work after custom maps were loaded


  • Fixed an issue where exporting content to Excel created an invalid file in a specific scenario
  • Fixed an issue where printing a publication to Word resized the printed components based on the selected image quality
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect order of sheets in an excel export of a publication
  • Fixed an issue where grid Totals are in English in an Excel export while the application UI is in a different language
  • Fixed an issue where a grey bar appears in an exported Presentation
  • Fixed an issue where a disabled filter is filtering the data when exporting a present to Excel
  • Fixed a black screen issue related to when trying to Print/export with a proxy in the way

Content Management

  • Fixed an issue where the Breadcrumbs was not formatted correctly when the folder path was too long
  • Fixed an issue where report Description in the Metadata is not rendered correctly when the description was too long
  • Fixed an issue where domain administrators could grant read permissions on content that they only had read permissions to
  • Fixed an issue where some unused custom calculations could not be deleted
  • Fixed an issue deleting content that contains a large number of components in it (formulas, Illustrations etc)
  • Fixed an issue where after importing a PIE it cannot be run until each 'Formulate' was opened and saved
  • Fixed an issue where the duplicate option didn't honor the folder security
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Created By' was empty for new created items


  • Fixed an issue where long items in the Legend were cut off


  • Fixed an issue causing the "The current flow is invalid" error when creating a model
  • Fixed an issue where hidden roles are visible in data model security
  • Fixed an issue where an error message appeared when trying to delete an IMDB model
  • Fixed an issue where scheduling a model failed in a specific scenario related to the authentication configuration of the data source and of the Pyramid authentication
  • Fixed an issue where adding a table that has a geometry column from an Oracle DB caused an error
  • Fixed an issue where a Direct Query model lost its metadata after export\import and data source changer
  • It's no longer possible to select more than 10 metrics when using Google Analytics as Google allows no more than 10
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect usage of Substring in a calculated column produced an Unknown Error and failed the process
  • Fixed a blank page issue that happened when creating a new table using an R or Python script
  • Fixed an issue where creating a model based on Pyramid source produced incorrect values in a certain scenario
  • Fixed an issue creating a model using a Machine Learning node as a target
  • Fixed an issue where a model schedule fails when the underlying data source is using SQL end-user authentication
  • Fixed an issue where a model would process without an issue but will fail to open due to invalid changes made by a user in the data flow
  • Fixed an issue where a model fails after duplicating a table when using Direct Query
  • Fixed an issue where a hierarchy was created with an incorrect name
  • Fixed an issue where updating table and column names in a data flow didn't update already existing hierarchies
  • Fixed an issue adding Postgres views when using the Step By Step feature
  • Fixed an issue where data model role security was not applied correctly
  • Fixed a table duplication issue causing in incorrect selection in a Discovery report
  • Fixed an issue wherein SAP Hana connection, the database name always change to SYSTEMDB
  • Fixed an issue where renaming a column when using SQL Query for MySQL did not work
  • Fixed an issue where creating a new database with no measures caused an error in Discovery
  • Fixed an issue where a model based on Google Analytics was created empty in a specific scenario
  • Fixed a Join node issue


  • Added security improvements


  • Added the ability to setup Member security via the API
  • Fixed an issue with function API2/access/createDbUser
  • Fixed an issue with function API2/tasks/getExecutions
  • Added a new API API2/dataSources/addRolesToItemAndPropagate to enable propagate when assigning model roles


  • Fixed a data server scrolling issue

Desktop App

  • Fixed a Desktop app login issue when the password contains a colon ":"


  • Improved French and Hebrew localization


  • Fixed an issue where, in a specific scenario,  the Diagnostic page showed a failed AD test while the connection was working
  • Fixed an issue where Pyramid failed to get groups when there was a slash "/" in the group name
  • Fixed an issue where logs saved on the file system were not automatically removed

Mobile \ Tablet

  • Fixed an issue where a tree slicer crushed a report in the Android application
  • Fixed an issue where the Tree Filter did not work in the mobile application


  • Fixed an issue where the installation/upgrade fail in case there is a special character in the admin's password


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Content aside

  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 543Views
  • 1 Following