Union: Adding Attributes to a Node

How do you Map Your Measures?

You have numbers accrued in a database or excel for months, but nobody has taken an interest in them. You want to unleash the can of worms, so to speak, but you have updates on those numbers and they may be in different diffuse formats, modules or excel columns and you want to integrate the lot.

In Pyramid Analytics you can pour your data into Pyramid and make a model, selecting the columns (attributes) you need to create your KPI.

Implement Unions to Create Field Names and Formats from More than One Excel Chart

The field names and formats of different excel charts can be integrated into one and shipped into your data model for the purpose of the discovery process.



To Create a Union and Link it to the Data Source

  1. In Elements > Join > Union, drag the Union to the Data Flow and link the data source attributes to the Union node by selecting what columns will be included in the union.
  2. Link the Union node to the Time Intelligence node by dragging a line from one to the other, and then to the Target [In Memory Data model].

Column Operations: Create New Field Called Full Name (it is made up of First Name and Last Name)

To Perform Column Operations to Attributes

  1. In Column Operations > Combine Columns, drag-and-drop the Combine Columns to the Data Flow.
  2. Link to the Customers data node and then to the Target [In Memory Data model].
  3. Click the Combine Columns node, and from the Column selection, select which fields you want to add in Full Name [i.e. First Name and Last Name].
  4. Select the Separator, e.g. space.
  5. Provide a new name to give the column, i.e. Full Name.
  6. Click ‘Keep Combined Columns’ if you want to display all the columns, or remove the Keep Combined Columns, if you only want to display the Full Name column.
  7.  Before we can process the model, go to Tables, to view the joins.


8.       To delete a join and switch [example:Source] to [example:Data], you can drag-and-drop the ‘Source’ into the ‘Data’ area you want, and then in the Join Columns, select the Source and Data drop-downs so the data flows correctly.



9.       Click Pyramid   to process the model.

Note: The moment you have more than one type of source, the Data Flow needs to be correct.


In Discover the user would not know whether they are looking at a Relational database, an Analysis Services cube, or an In-Memory Database model.



It is quick and easy to add a data-source via Pyramid Analytics. You could pull data from the virtual model by accessing it directly.



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