List of Python Libraries Useful for ML
Hi. I'm working through the "Use Case: Predictive Modelling" training item in the learning hub, and encountered a "No module named matplotlib" error; Before I ask our sysadmin group to install this…
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Feature Request: Reversing Axis Value Order in Attached Image
Dear Team, I am reaching out to address a recurring issue we have encountered regarding the axis value order in our charts. In the attached image, we've observed that the axis values commence from…
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IBCS Waterfall Column Naming
Hey All, I was just wondering if there is a way to name the left and right book end of the IBCS waterfall. I can't seem to find where it is in format, has anyone else managed to get the previous year…
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Forecast con intervalos en matrices
Hola comunidad, Estoy creando un Forecast por método en Arima con sus respectivos intervalos superiores e inferiores, para un tema grafico me sirve perfectamente.…
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Pyramid Open AI Evaluation
Hey there, we are currently discussing the open ai integration in pyramid to integrate and therefore need to test that functionality upfront. I cant find the open ai integration in the pyramid…
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PyramidException: Cannot find an active augmented engine
When trying to run Python code in Model it gives me the error: PyramidException: Cannot find an active augmented engine When trying to reinstall the environment it gives me the error:…
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Use one chart to filter (not just highlight) other charts
My presentation has the following plots: Overall totals are shown for the current period (gauge) and trended over time (line). These are at the top of the presentation.…
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Contact for Learning Hub Registration Access
Greetings everyone. I have a query regarding Learning Hub Registration Access, is there any email to contact and speed up the process to get access rather delaying for 2 business days? Thanks
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Can the loading of dashboard with mini-tabs be accelerated to render the current page first while others continue to load in the background?
As I add more tabs for users to self-navigate each incrementally adds to the time users need to wait for data to paint. example a single discover feels almost instantaneous with a button click filter.…
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Is there a way to list all assets in the repository with the folder they are in?
Hello, I have created a listing off all assets in our repository by creating a data model on top of the repository and then creating a Discovery. See screen shot below.…
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Where can I configure the IP address or DNS to use for link-back content?
Since we have various VPNs I would like to configure this manually. I have admin access, and more importantly colleagues that can assist with installation and custom configuration, if needed
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Previous Month Value
What is the best way to dynamically display the previous month's value in a table based on the displayed value? The available context calculations only allow for difference from previous,…
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Python script in model: ok in preview, fails at runtime
Hello everyone. I am attempting to execute a python script module in Model. The key library I am using is googletrans, which allows API calls to Google translate to facilitate foreign language…
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Chart Top 5 Along with an Aggregate of the Others
We have charts that display the top 5 countries; How can we aggregate the other countries that are not in the top 5 and display them in an "Others" bucket, as below?
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Can I create a custom hierarchy of measures
I saw this article, https://community.pyramidanalytics.com/t/h7h92p1/how-to-combine-values-from-different-measures-in-one-charts. Is it possible to create a custom hierarchy of measures?…
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Conversations - how to mark as read?
We are using conversations to communicate within our development team. How do we mark it as read?
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Percentage points change calculation
I am trying to calculate change in percentage points between two rows and have followed the steps in a previous post: Click on the "+" icon in the vertical column of icons to the left of the Grid…
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How to calculate an average at a lower Time level of detail than a Discovery
Hi All, Not sure how to create a formulate calc to do this if anyone can help. This is against a Direct SQL model. The grain of my data is: Week, Opening Stock, Sales.…
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Format gauge chart
Trying show the full number detail. Right click on the transaction count chip brings up the properties menu. I select #,# and no label format but it doesn't change. Are gauges always rounded?
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Live Connection SAP BW - Extrapolation of Budget values to a monthly split (linear)
Hi there, I would like to extrapolate the following budget values to a monthly view from a given year view only. For example, from SAP BW we only get the annual accumulated budget figure.…
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Custom Visualizations
The formulate module should have a option for "Custom Visualizations". I dont see it, neither in our pyramid analytics platform nor the explore one of the community?
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How to
Hi there, In the pie chart below how can I format the yellow highlighted figures in such a way that the sales percentage is below the sales figure.
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Paging for long tables
Hi, We are in the process of converting a legacy system to Pyramid and are facing a challenge regarding long tables over 30K rows. We don't want to show long table and are looing for a way to load…
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Make maps less that 180x180
How can I override the bottom limit on the size for view on the canvas. It appears that it automatically goes to a BAN when the width or height is <=170 px.…
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