Optimizing a Star Schema Data Model
Is there any best practice documentation or tools available for optimizing star schema data models in Pyramid?
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Question about Kerberos Guide
On page 5 of the new Pyramid 2018 Kerberos Guide, it states that the runtime server's delegation should be set using constrained delegation, which makes sense.…
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IMDB Engine and Database Questions
We have several questions regarding the IMDB engine and databases that are created/stored there. Is the memory required for a given database the same as the amount of disk space that the database…
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Domain Admin for Multiple Tenants
In an enterprise environment where tenants are being used as security boundaries for different groups, is it possible for someone to be a Domain Admin for multiple tenants?…
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Possible to Add R and Python Packages?
Is it possible to install additional R and Python packages to a Pyramid 2018 installation to provide access to additional functionality for those who want to leverage the Formulate tool to create…
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Nested Switch Operators in a Set?
Are nested Switch operators supported in a set? It seems as if the set designer allows you to drag a second Switch operator onto the path of one of the options generated from a first Switch operator,…
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Enable export themes from BI Office to Pyramid 2018
Can the Pyramid team provide themes for Pyramid 2018 that match the themes that are available in BI Office? In particular, some of the default themes like Pyramid 2013 and Pyramid 2016 would be very…
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Why Are Themes Not Securable Objects?
Given that themes now appear to include features for defining specific master pages for presentations and publications, it would seem helpful to have themes be securable objects so that only certain…
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