How to apply borders, based on grouped columns
We tried to apply border, based on vertically grouped column. Specifically, we need to apply the border like the following image. The main column contains three child columns.…
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How to include all Context in Action when Jumping from Present to Discover
I want to create a jump to content item action on a Present that carries over all filter values placed on a Discover in the Present. In a Present, I have a Discover with multiple slicers interacting…
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Is there an example of how to use the API's to export a discovery as a PDF?
Hello, I've read that it's possible through the API's to export discoveries. Does anyone have example code of how to export a discovery to a PDF using the API's? Thanks, Rob Clark
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Use API's to extract data from a discovery
Hello, Is there a way to make an API call to export data from a specific Discovery? Thanks, Rob
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Create a horizontal percent calculation
Hi all, is ther any possibility in Pyramid to calculate how many percent 21 - others form the sub total is? I would like to create a new culomn in wich Pyrmaid should wirte the percent for every…
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Multiselect Dynamic measure
Hello! Is it possible to use multiselect with Dynamic measures? The way I tried in the picture is not working. Kind regards, Dennis.
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Find Difference between two dates
Hi All, We need to find difference between two date dimensions present in our model. Is it possible to do it using formulate?
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Address within Maps
Hi, How do you pinpoint an exact address in the maps discovery in Pyramid? I'm trying to pinpoint the location of multiple offices for a company. The address are across multiple states.…
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Displaying only yesterdays Date
The data my company collects is a day behind, is there a way to show just the data information from yesterday? Ex: Today is 4/10, the most recent data I have and want to show in the discovery is 4/9?…
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Gauge titles
Hi all, is there a way to get rid of the second part of the gauge title? It is 'All' for all of my graphs, so in this instance it's redundant. Thanks, Verity
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