Exports to PNG Layers
I am working on a chart in Publication that I need to export as an image. However, when I do, all of the layers are exported separately and not as one chart.…
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Table of Contents UI
Hi, When I export a dashboard which includes a table of contents from the dynamic text feature, the contents list isn't included. Are there any settings which need to be selected to include this?…
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Group Measures Under Headings for Export
Good afternoon, We have a scenario where a client is exporting a grid to excel. The real scenario has many dimensions and measures on the grid. I have created a small example using the sample demo…
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Export to Excel - keep format of conditional formatted grid data
Hi, I'm trying to export the format of conditional formatted grid data to Excel. Columns and rows are formatted but not the data itself. Is there a way to do it?
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Export/Publish to google spreadsheets
Dear all, we're introducing google workplace in our company and are wondering whether it is possible to export/publish to google docs/spreadsheets directly. Best regards, Olaf
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Exporting as Data Items
Hi, Is it possible to export information produced (in any of discover, publish, present) where the underlying data is visible? Expanding on this, when, for example,…
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Maintaining Formatting when Exporting to Excel
Hi all, New user here still getting to grips with the product. I am currently in the process of trying to replicate some of my company's reports that are in a standard format in Excel.…
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