Using same parameter for same model but pointing at different tables
Hi All, I have a model that creates some simple data sets. They are linked by location but each of them also have a parameter of "online sale" where a column states 1 or 0.…
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Sorting on Multiple Columns in Model
Hello Community, I have a use case where I need to sort a data set first on column A and then, retaining this order, on column B. From what I gathered, the Sort node allows only one column at a time.…
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Last non empty function Modell Pro
Hello Pyramid Community, is it possible to select the function 'last non empty' for Measures in the modell pro designer? I want to show the last filled amount for the month.…
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Concerns about Python Access
Hello, On our Pyramid installation, we're looking to host multiple tenants. However, we've encountered an issue where we can access the host's file system through Pyramid,…
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Python script in model: ok in preview, fails at runtime
Hello everyone. I am attempting to execute a python script module in Model. The key library I am using is googletrans, which allows API calls to Google translate to facilitate foreign language…
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Possible to use publication outputs an input to model?
Hi A Publish can only publish files to email and internal, not a shared folder as far as I'm aware. I'm in a situation where I'm using a publication to extract a lot of data,…
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Running Oracle Procedures inside a Model
Hi, Has anyone been able to run an oracle procedure within a data model? I have a procedure that will return a populated cursor and another procedure which will not return any result sets but will…
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Is there a way to change date formats in a model?
We are located in the US and would like to change the date formats to a format that our users are used to, such as mm/dd/yyyy. I don't see a way in the model to set the date format displayed.…
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Processing Multiple Models vs. One Big Model?
I use a number of Models, each with a specific job to do. A few models pull data into my warehouse from various sources, and a few models abstract different cuts of the raw data suitable for various…
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Using Python or R to pivot excel workbook
We have a workbook which has a list of names, and then a column with their performance each week i.e. John Smith, 1,4,10,8,4,6, Finance, Analyst with column headers being name, week 1, week 2,…
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GA input call/record limits
Hi all, do you know what the limits are for how many records/days/etc. can be pulled in from Google Analytics at a time? We are only receiving a limited part of the data when pulling from longer…
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Update data from excel file in pyramid 2018?
Hi , I have an excel sheet as a soruce for my data model. the data is dynamic and I change them 5 time a day. i want to change my data on my excel sheet ,…
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Adding IMDB Server After Install
If you install the new Pyramid 2018 release without the new in-memory engine and then later want to add it, what should you use for the settings to add it as a data source?…
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Importing data from Excel - formatting decimals
Hello, I have downloaded new version of Pyramid Analytics and would like to make some visuals for a test. My initial inquiry got stuck in the phase of loading data from Excel.…
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