Mapbox 3d feature

We are trying to implement the 3d maps feature in pyramid. Like the image attached below. Did anyone implement a feature like this if so, what are the steps involved?

4 replies

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view


    MapBox 3D maps are not currently supported in Pyramid mapping.

    The type of map supported are selected from the map type in the Menu Ribbon:

    Hope that helps.


      • RAJESH_Gonuguntla
      • 4 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you for your response! If it's not available out of the box, Can we integrate the functionality into the tool? and if it possible. What is process on implementing it?

    • Senior Director of Product
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  ,

    There is no easy way to do this.

    The only approach would be to build a Custom Visual and and manage all the background tiling and overlays from your data and MapBox yourself.

    See Help for more on Custom Visualizations.

    Hope that helps.


    • RAJESH_Gonuguntla
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks, I will try this approach

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
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