Calculating a Rolling Average Containing Empty Values
I noticed that whenever a cell is empty, Pyramid excludes it from the average. For example, if week1 = 1, week2 = 0, week3 = 5, Pyramid excludes the week 2 element from the calculation (i.e.…
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I have two columns weekday column and count column I want to find the average for each day and weekends based on month or year …How can we achieve this ?
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Last non empty function Modell Pro
Hello Pyramid Community, is it possible to select the function 'last non empty' for Measures in the modell pro designer? I want to show the last filled amount for the month.…
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Calculation based on Date Filter Range
I am looking for a calculation of a value divided by month; however, the number of months is dynamic depending on the overall date range that the user has set.…
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KPI with dynamic texts
Hello, I am trying to add a dynamic text to the KPI which shows a Year-over-Year change in between the quarters in my presentation. However, the text only returns a result if all years,…
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Live Connection SAP BW - Extrapolation of Budget values to a monthly split (linear)
Hi there, I would like to extrapolate the following budget values to a monthly view from a given year view only. For example, from SAP BW we only get the annual accumulated budget figure.…
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Use single measurement as a fixed / set Measurement AND as a Dynamic Measurement at row level or in Calculation
Dear all How can I create a measurement with a set/fixed value that any filter or dimension will not impact? I am working in Higher Education, so my use case will be unique as it is not a commercial…
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Combining two discovery tables in present
Hi We have two tables which we are trying to merge. The left one defines top 20 suppliers with their market share in cur month, previous month, cur ytd, current ytd.…
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Create a horizontal percent calculation
Hi all, is ther any possibility in Pyramid to calculate how many percent 21 - others form the sub total is? I would like to create a new culomn in wich Pyrmaid should wirte the percent for every…
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Change Value on horizontal axis based on variable value selected
I am trying to change dimension in horizontal axis of my graph based on the filter selected. For example, In graph I would like to change value in horizontal axis to created date year, quarter,…
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SSAS: Formulate across cubes and/or databases
Hi folks, is it possible to calculate values across different cubes located in the same or even in different SSAS-databases? I tried with just putting the cubes' name in front of the MDX and was…
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