Trimming and Cleaning Whitespace with Python Node in Model
Hello, I know how to trim and use regex to replace whitespaces in Model, but I thought I'd challenge myself to try to learn and familiarize myself with the script node.…
Concerns about Python Access
Hello, On our Pyramid installation, we're looking to host multiple tenants. However, we've encountered an issue where we can access the host's file system through Pyramid,…
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Python script in model: ok in preview, fails at runtime
Hello everyone. I am attempting to execute a python script module in Model. The key library I am using is googletrans, which allows API calls to Google translate to facilitate foreign language…
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Splitting dataset Train Error
I am trying to spilt dataset into a train and test using Python Node and Learn&Predict. I get an error below related to pyramid_eval_out.write. How can it be fixed? Error PyramidException:…
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