How to get text output from dynamic text?
Hello, I'm trying to create a dynamic text that would produce a different text output based on the country that the publication is scheduled for. I can get this to work with numeral outputs like…
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Multiple Attribute on Same Axis
When more than one attributes are required on the same axis for example if we have to show Country wise, year wise Premium then in PA 2018 it is showing as,…
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User Wise Measure Format Setting
We are getting the different format of same measure for different users. For example - User 1 is having formatting to have absolute value for one measure ‘Policy Count’.…
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Viewer License
When we are login in PA using viewer license, user is not able to see the available slicers in the presentations. Please confirm what all the limitations with Viewer license.…
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External Parameterization
There are 3 issues regarding this - 1- How to filter presentation using external parameters 2- How to save slicer values in any additional db/system so that when report will be reopened then those…
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Regarding color formatting
Hi All, Is there a way to create kpi such way that color need to change on the present quarter data based on the present quarter goal rest of the quarter data should not change .…
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Time Intelligence in Pyramid 2018
Is it possible to get preceding 7 days of full week result or filter in Pyramid 2018? For example, when one date is picked, report should show results for the current week (the last 7 days).
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Color Formatting
Hi All, I have three goal example sat% less then 50 % - red color sat% >50 % and sat% < = 81% - yellow sat % > 81 % - Green color Please give me the steps Thanks in a advance Regards, Ranga Naik
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Alert email in PA2018
Hi team In BIOffice we had alerts (which could be send out by email) with dynamic text inside form a discovery. Is there a plan to implement those into PA2018? Thx
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How to remove Present slider (Bottom right ,left arrow) if you have one slide to present ?
How to remove Present slider (Bottom right ,left arrow) if you have one slide to present ?
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How you can drill down from one report to another (sub report ) ?
Hi, How we can drill down from one main report to sub report. Example : Product main report ,and when you click on sub category , it will open another detail of subcategory report ? Thanks. Vijay
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How you change default Theme color combination ? only choice is row header setting color ?
How you change theme's default color combination ? ( If it is ugly color combination ?)
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Starting/Stopping Pyramid services on Linux
Hi guys, anyone knows how to start/stop Pyramid 2018 on Ubuntu (and Linux in general) Running service --status-all Gives the following: [ + ] pyramidAgent [ + ] pyramidFs [ + ] pyramidIMDB [ - ]…
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Calculations in the Excel Export
Hi, if I have a grid with calculated members and export them to Excel file, is there a way to export their formulas attached to them as well? Thanks.
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Usage statistics
Hi team I would to ask if in PA 2018 you have embedded a user usage cube as in BI Office. If not is it in planning? Thx Nikos
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How to combine Multiple line charts in One chart with common X- Axis.
How to combine Multiple line charts in One chart with common X- Axis.
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Formula Question
I am using an OLAP/SSAS data model and I want to create a formula to calculate the percent change between two different values of a specific measure based on the selected value of a specific…
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How to change format of data according to Column .
Hi, Is there any custom formatting on data according to data column ? Some column need two decimals and some columns need round measure . Thanks Vijay Patel.
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After Creating Hierarchy ,Its is not displaying column Header name , It displays only Hierarchy name
Hi, All. After Creating Hierarchy ,Its is not displaying correct column Header name , It displays only Hierarchy name ? any idea how to display name according to hierarchy ?
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Question about Kerberos Guide
On page 5 of the new Pyramid 2018 Kerberos Guide, it states that the runtime server's delegation should be set using constrained delegation, which makes sense.…
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Model - Shared file
Hi, I'm getting an access denied error when attempting to model a file from a UNC path. What do I need to do to provide pyramid the access? Is there a service account this is run under for the…
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Is it possible to manually add a relationship to 2 tables or do you need to rely on the Heuristic Relationship.
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Excel as Target in a Model
I'm exploring the various model targets to see what they do. It looks as if an Excel target can be used to output the data coming through the data flow -- is that the intention?…
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Pyramid 2018 - Model Source Changes
I created a model from a MS SQL database. Then I added a column to one of the tables. Is there a way to "refresh" the model so it sees my new column?
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