Usage statistics
Hi team I would to ask if in PA 2018 you have embedded a user usage cube as in BI Office. If not is it in planning? Thx Nikos
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How to combine Multiple line charts in One chart with common X- Axis.
How to combine Multiple line charts in One chart with common X- Axis.
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Formula Question
I am using an OLAP/SSAS data model and I want to create a formula to calculate the percent change between two different values of a specific measure based on the selected value of a specific…
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How to change format of data according to Column .
Hi, Is there any custom formatting on data according to data column ? Some column need two decimals and some columns need round measure . Thanks Vijay Patel.
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After Creating Hierarchy ,Its is not displaying column Header name , It displays only Hierarchy name
Hi, All. After Creating Hierarchy ,Its is not displaying correct column Header name , It displays only Hierarchy name ? any idea how to display name according to hierarchy ?
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Question about Kerberos Guide
On page 5 of the new Pyramid 2018 Kerberos Guide, it states that the runtime server's delegation should be set using constrained delegation, which makes sense.…
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Model - Shared file
Hi, I'm getting an access denied error when attempting to model a file from a UNC path. What do I need to do to provide pyramid the access? Is there a service account this is run under for the…
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Is it possible to manually add a relationship to 2 tables or do you need to rely on the Heuristic Relationship.
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Excel as Target in a Model
I'm exploring the various model targets to see what they do. It looks as if an Excel target can be used to output the data coming through the data flow -- is that the intention?…
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Pyramid 2018 - Model Source Changes
I created a model from a MS SQL database. Then I added a column to one of the tables. Is there a way to "refresh" the model so it sees my new column?
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Publish email with attchment
Hi team I created an publication and scheduled it. (The output format is pdf or word - still under review which works best). I want it to be send by email and the document to be attached to the…
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IMDB Engine and Database Questions
We have several questions regarding the IMDB engine and databases that are created/stored there. Is the memory required for a given database the same as the amount of disk space that the database…
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Domain Admin for Multiple Tenants
In an enterprise environment where tenants are being used as security boundaries for different groups, is it possible for someone to be a Domain Admin for multiple tenants?…
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Background member
Hello, In the latest Q&A webinar I noticed that in the demo discovery there was a background element visible. What's the use case for this and how does this work? Br, Simo
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Hierarchy selection
When I create my Admissions Funnel as a hierarchy I was able to select pieces of that funnel to view in BI and those pieces showed on the same row in the column. Something like this...…
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Import existing custom elements?
Will it be possible to import existing custom elements or at least is there a way to copy them from BI to Pyramid 2018 so I don't have to recreate them all?
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Import Data Model from BI
Will there be an option to import an existing data model from BI to Pyramid 2018? This would save a lot of time!
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Pyramid 2018 Model - File too big
Is there a limit on file size in the full version? I have the Enterprise 30 Day trial and I'm trying to build a model with a CSV file of over a million rows. It errors when I try to upload it.
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Grouping of dimension
Hi guys I have a dataset like this: DimensionValue - Measure 1 100 3 100 6 200 9 100 12 500 etc. I want to group the dimension and aggregate the measure per group (for example) (1,3,12) AS Group 1 :…
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Publish Excel as attachment that looks like Copy Content
I need to know how to get a Published Excel report to look like it was created as if you used the Copy Content button and pasted it into Excel manually.
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Email address in text component
Hello Is there a way to create a mailto in a text component in a presentation? It would be nice to add the support email to a dashboard and with one click to open the mail client
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Global variable in the Pyramid 2018
Hello, Is the global variable functionality available in the Pyramid 2018? If not, what alternative would you suggest to use for the conditional display? Thanks
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Choropleth Maps
Hello, What choropleth maps are available within the Pyramid 2018? I saw a few examples with the US State level choropleth maps. Are there any other available?…
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Data Not Current
I have a view in a SQL Database and used the Data Model to pull data to a Pyramid Data Discovery view. The data in the SQL View pulls real time data, but the data in Pyramid only shows as of the…
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Data Model- two relationships for two tables
Hi! In data Model, tables-> Is it possible to make for two tables two different relationships for different columns? I want to make for the same two tables once a inner join relationship and for…
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