Publication - Slicers for email and display name


I have a publication that is distributed by email address, which is a slicer in the publication.

I also use this email address in some dynamic text on the front page of the publication. However, I would like to instead show the name of the person from a slicer instead of the email.

I have the data in the same dimension:

Name: a,b,c
Email a@domain.com, b@domain.com, c@domain.com

But when I set the distribution up each email receives the report for each of A,B,C.

Is there a way I can link these slicers so that when the publication is email to a@domain.com, the name slicer shows their name? and the report isn't sent once for each iteration of name and email.


I hope this makes sense, I'm sure I managed this in BI Office but can't remember how.



1 reply

    • VP Product Management
    • Ian_Macdonald
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Answer
    • Reported - view

    Create a discover view that is the complete set of Names. I.e. a list of names. then use that view in  a Dynamic Text and retrieve the first row Name. Link the email slicer to the dynamic Text element.

    When the report cycles round the email address slicer, it will filter the Names View for each email address and should return just one row, the name associated with that email address. the dynamic Text will then return that Name in Row 1. Place the dynamic Text item in your heading. done.

    Should work!


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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 46Views
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