Running Oracle Procedures inside a Model
Has anyone been able to run an oracle procedure within a data model?
I have a procedure that will return a populated cursor and another procedure which will not return any result sets but will need to be queried further up the flow.
Is this possible in Pyramid?
Many Thanks,
2 replies
You may need to alter the logic of the procedure to push the data in to a table, instead of returning a data set, and then run a sql select from the table with the data.
executing the procedure can be run via a custom sql code like any other sql code, you may need to add a select from dual just in case the custom sql requires a select statment.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your reply.
I was hoping that I can run the procedure like you said and return a select statement but it looks as though this is not working for me.
The only approach I can think of is running the procedure on a hourly task away from Pyramid but I was hoping that there might be an element I can use within the Pyramid data model which will allow the execution of procedures.
Many Thanks,