How to create interactions between content items from different models?
Sneak: How to create interactions between content items that are querying different data models.
Tips & Tricks created by the Pyramid Customer Success Team
This How To has been create based on the The Tips&Tricks Series featured in out monthly User Newsletter. To make it easier to keep them as a reference, these Tip & Tricks come as printable PDFs.
How to create interactions between content items from different models?
When you need to report across different data sets it might be neccessary to create interactions between content items (data discoveries, slicers, dynamic content, or custom formulations) that are querying different data models. For such interactions to work, the hierarchies and member elements being used as a filter must also exist in the data model of the target visualization. If the corresponding hierarchies and member elements are identically labeled in both data models, then you can create an interaction as usual. However, if the corresponding hierarchies and/ or member elements are not identically labeled in each data model, then it’s necessary to create a model mapping. In such a scenario, the Model Mapping wizard is used to map the corresponding hierarchies and/ or member elements from the two data models, enabling the user to create interactions between them. Here is our sample dashboard where we need to map 2 Discover reports. When clicking on a product category on the left Discover report, we want the product reasons from that product category to be reflected on the Discover report on the right side.
1. Model Mapping:
Click on Presentation Tab > Model Mapping to bring up the model mapping wizard where we can map the two data models.
2. Choose Mapping:
Map Returns and Sales Model. Choose new mapping, and the 2 model you need to map from the drop down menu.
3. Build Hierarchies:
Map Hierarchies. You can add multiple hierarchy mappings if needed.
4. Choose Mapping:
Select the type of mapping. If the hierarchies have different names, but the members within them are the same, choose Simple. If the members within the hierarchies are labeled differently, choose Advanced. Click Apply.
5. Build Interactions:
Add interactions between the required visuals. Launch the presentation in runtime to test the interactions.
6. Test Changes:
In runtime, notice how by clicking on any item/area on the left Discover report triggers a corresponding result in the right report, because of how the models are mapped
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- 1 yr agoLast active
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