How to use Filters in Present to Improve Performance. From Tips & Tricks November 22
Sneak: How to use Filters in Present to Improve Performance
The Tips&Tricks Series is produced by the Customer Success Team. It highlights several easy to follow instructions and range from simple tasks to more advanced use cases.
How to use Filters in Present to Improve Performance
There are times that we need to be able to provide a vast amount of data as a framework that multiple users, with different requirements, need to be able to use. We do this by making tons of data available within dashboards, and be able to filter the data so end-users can get exactly what they need with more flexibility using filters.
However, each time a filter is used, a query runs behind the scenes to filter the report—and when we’re working with many filters, filtering a large dataset, this can yield less than optimal dashboard performance as it may require to run multiple queries at a time to get the final result set. To improve performance, we can resolve this by creating a separate page containing filters, that then runs the main dashboard page containing data, after filters have been picked.
- Create a new present dashboard with 2 slides. Name them Filter Slide and Content Slide
- Turn off Navigation Options. This will ensure that filter selections are made first before running the dashboard. Go to the Content Master Page by clicking on “Content” within the slide panel. Within here, go to navigation options in the present ribbon at the top. Go to Navigation Options > None.
- Build your Filter Slide. Add all the filters to the canvas by using either drag and drop from content panel or using “add slicer” from the canvas menu.
- Create a button on the filters page that will open the Dashboard Detail Slide with the results after applying the filters. Do this by using the “shapes” button on the canvas and adding a text.
- Add an action to the button, that when a user clicks, it then goes to the slide with the report details in the dashboard. Right click on button > Click Action, which shows the Jump Actions Panel below. Select Jump to Slide > Content Slide (created in step 1) > Apply
- Add Discover object with your detail report in your Content Slide from the Content Panel.
- Add “return to filter” button in Content Slide, that will point back to the Filters slide. Follow steps in step 4.
- Add the interaction between slicers and report object in Content Slide. Go to Present Tab > Interaction Manager. Within Interaction Manger, select “hidden slicers” at the top right of the wizard. Define the interaction between slicers and the report object.
- Run the dashboard starting with filters page. Choose your filters and click the “Run Report Button”, which will then open the content slide with your report.
If you have questions about these tips (or improvements) please let us know in a comment.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 82Views