How to set default value to Slicer(Filter) ?
I have week number Slicer(filter). If my current week is 47 then i want to set 47 in slicer.
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Sort multi-select Slicer
Can we sort data of multiselect slicer(Filter)? I have 'Date' slicer. I want to show Date in descending order.
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can we refresh chart or grid data automatically at run time?
I have created presentation to show chart and also created scheduler which updates the model every 5 min. I am not able to see the updated data on the presentation.…
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Conditional Formatting
I have been converting reports from BI Office to Pyramid 2018 and I have run into a snag. Note that this report was imported from BI Office to Pyramid 2018 using the conversion tool.…
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How to remove Grid header deatils
I am showing data on below calculated grid and i don't want to show the grid header in presentation. How can i remove or hide this grid header details ? Regards, Mangesh Desai
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Getting Started with Pyramid
In our first session, we will cover the basic getting started workflow from Quick Model, to Discover and finally Present. These examples are simple and designed to acquaint you with the product.…
Dynamic texts for Slicers
Hi Folks, I am trying to use Dynamic text in Pyramid analytics 2018 which is based on the slicer (single select-drop down) so that the Presentation header in each slide changes with the slicer…
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Hi, My tool tips don't appear to be working. I have told the software to display the Netlocation as tooltips, but when I scroll over or click on the lines in the line graph nothing appears.…
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Discovery chart - how to show % values to 1dp?
Hi all, In my discovery chart, I would like to show my axis labels to 1 decimal place (they currently show to 3 decimal places). E.g. they show 1.200% when there is really no need.…
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Is there a way to create groups and then filter within those groups
My discovery table needs to contain some groups so I can filter by those. For example with countries the data set we use has them broken out, I will need to create a group for all the European…
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Number Formatting in Discovery
Hi all, I have the attached discovery prepared from the attached data model. I am having trouble displaying the variance information as a percentage rather than a number format.…
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'Lagging' Time-Scale in Discovery
Hi all, Please see attached screenshot. I am trying to build a section of an existing report at my company in discovery for export to excel (for the time being).…
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How to combine elements under single header
Hi all, I am looking to combine a group of elements (R1, R2, R3) to create element R which I can use in a Discover Matrix Grid. If I add R1, R2, and R3 to a list then my list of elements looks like…
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How to use "Custom Colors" in the "Color" Drop zone to set a specific color to a specific value in a grid.
1) Create a new formula in the formulations app 2) Create an "IF" statement based on a measure using the "RGB" function and save it. Use an RGB Color picker such as the one here to get the correct…
How to hide Microsoft SQL databases that a user does not have access to
By default even if a user does not have access to an Microsoft SQL database they can still view it when logging into SQL Management studio. Therefore the same behavior will be seen in Pyramid when…
Time Intelligence Wizard
Is there something like the Time Intelligence Wizard available in Pyramid 2018?
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