Tip & Trick Pre-Query Slicers
Pre-query Slicers allow users to set the slicer selections for specified slicers and parameters upon opening the Discovery report, before the query is loaded.…
Tip of the Day - How to lock colors of a member in a Report
How to lock the color of a member in a Report When you build a visualization, Pyramid automatically and dynamically assigns the colors in the Graph to the Members.…
Tip of the Day - How to use Calendar Slicers
How to use Calendar Slicers in a Discover Pyramid offers a variety of slicers for you to work with your data. Our Calendar filter is a very powerful tool that offers a lot more than just picking a…
How to build a cascading filter in Discover
How to use the cascade option in a Discover In this how to article, we will show you how to do to build a slicer that changes based on another slicer selection.…
Tip of the Day - Customize your Search with a Multi Item Slice Search
How to build a custom search with a Multi Item Slice Search Pyramid offers you ten different types of filtering in the Filter menu drop zone, ranging from simple filter slicers to more options like…
Tip of the Day - How to create a switch list in a report
How to switch between two sets measures list in a report If you want to display different sets of measures in a Report, you can do so by creating a variable list in Discover.…
How to use KPIs and Gauges in a Dynamic Way
How to use KPIs and Gauges in a Dynamic Way The Use Case Working with a customer, I recently ran into an interesting use case that required dynamic band values in a KPI and a gauge view.…
Tip of the Day - Time Calculation Wizard
How to use the Time Calculation Wizard Time calculation wizard in Discover is designed to help users quickly and easily generate a variety of date time calculations to be used in your analysis,…
How to build Aggregate blocks for a Dimension
How to build Aggregate blocks for a Dimension When you are working with larger lists it is often necessary to define groups of elements into a single aggregated element that contains the totals for a…
How to use a Report or Page Trigger to generate a Publication when criteria are met
How to use a Report or Page Trigger to generate a Publication when criteria are met When you offer to trigger a report or page from your Publication, it only makes sense to start the process if the…
How to create a parameter driven list and search across multiple attributes
How to creating a parameter driven list and search across multiple attributes Imagine we have a long list of Values in a table. Now we want to filter out all lines that contain certain values but…
Tip of the Day - Dynamic dimensions and measures
How to create dynamic dimensions and measures that can be exchanged This tip & trick has been provided by @Michael Daun who created this solution while working on a project What to we want to achieve…
Tip of the Day - How to format a measure that is in seconds as hours minutes and seconds
How to format a measure that is in seconds as hours minutes and seconds Imagine you have a table column in a model that represents the duration of a period in seconds,…
Pyramid Data Tip of the Day - AI Driven Forecasts
Video of the Day – AI-Driven Forecasting Captions. Our video of the day looks at the new AI-driven forecasting captions. When setting up advanced forecasting,…
Tip of the Day - use formulate to calculate percentages of some elements
Our video of the day looks at a way to calculate percentages of elements A question came up from a client on how to calculate the percentage of two elements in a dimension from the total of this…
Tip of the Day - Multiselect Slicer Elements
Our video of the day looks at the new multi-select capabilities for slicers. Multi-select drop down slicers let you select multiple slicer elements simultaneously and filter the query by those…
Pyramid Data Tip of the Day - Hierarchical Support in Context Calculations
Our video of the day looks at the new hierarchical support for context calculations. Context functions let users build calculations that can only be resolved efficiently in the context of a report.…
Tip of the Day - Custom Totals by Measure
Video of the Day – Custom Totals by Measure Our video of the day looks at Custom Totals by Measure. Adding grand totals and sub-totals to your grids provides additional context and information.…
How to use a chart to filter other charts
How to use a chart to filter other charts In a question in the Q&A Section of the Community we got asked how to interact several charts so that they work as actual filters not just highlighting the…
How to chart the Top 5 along with an aggregate of the Other
How to chart the Top 5 along with an aggregate of the Other In a Question in the Q&A Section of the Community User @Bruce Campbell asked how to combine the Top 5 of a list with an Aggregate of the…
Tip of the Day - Visual Tool Tips
Create custom graphic tool tips that display a given data discovery or presentation when hovering over a specified measure in a selected visualization. The report displayed in the tool tip is…
How to add a Custom Visual
How to add a Custom Visual Pyramid offers a broad spectrum of standard visualizations that are available to users in the Discover App. In order to include additional visualizations,…
How to get multiple measures on a Line Chart with 'Analyse Further'?
How to get multiple measures on a Line Chart with Analyse Further? Available in Pyramid 2023 and after When you start diving in to the Data deeper as a Pyramid Viewer or with a Pyramid Analyst…
Tips & Tricks: How to identify duplicated elements
How to identify duplicated elements? A recent Question on the Community asked what would be a good way to identify duplicates. E.g. where an Element has been assigned a Status twice where it only…
How to use AI driven forecasting captions
How to use AI driven forecasting captions Pyramid allows you to add an AI driven forecast to your data based on a variety of algorithms. In the video below we show you how you can change the Captions…
How To's and Knowledge Base for the Discover Module