How to use a Report or Page Trigger to generate a Publication when criteria are met
How to use a Report or Page Trigger to generate a Publication when criteria are met When you offer to trigger a report or page from your Publication, it only makes sense to start the process if the…
Tip of the Day - How to format a measure that is in seconds as hours minutes and seconds
How to format a measure that is in seconds as hours minutes and seconds Imagine you have a table column in a model that represents the duration of a period in seconds,…
Pyramid Data Tip of the Day - AI Driven Forecasts
Video of the Day – AI-Driven Forecasting Captions. Our video of the day looks at the new AI-driven forecasting captions. When setting up advanced forecasting,…
Tip of the Day - use formulate to calculate percentages of some elements
Our video of the day looks at a way to calculate percentages of elements A question came up from a client on how to calculate the percentage of two elements in a dimension from the total of this…
Tip of the Day - Multiselect Slicer Elements
Our video of the day looks at the new multi-select capabilities for slicers. Multi-select drop down slicers let you select multiple slicer elements simultaneously and filter the query by those…
Pyramid Data Tip of the Day - Hierarchical Support in Context Calculations
Our video of the day looks at the new hierarchical support for context calculations. Context functions let users build calculations that can only be resolved efficiently in the context of a report.…
Tip of the Day - Custom Totals by Measure
Video of the Day – Custom Totals by Measure Our video of the day looks at Custom Totals by Measure. Adding grand totals and sub-totals to your grids provides additional context and information.…
Tip of the Day - Visual Tool Tips
Create custom graphic tool tips that display a given data discovery or presentation when hovering over a specified measure in a selected visualization. The report displayed in the tool tip is…
How To's and Knowledge Base for the Discover Module